Chapter 3

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                     You woke up in your four-poster bed, yawning and rubbing sleep out of your eyes. You got up and got dressed, combing your hair. Luna barged in as you made your bed. "Hurry up Y/N! Before we miss breakfast!" You laughed. "Bitch, we have two hours left for breakfast."

                       "So?" Luna giggled, grabbing you by the arm. "Come on!" You pulled away from the blonde, chuckling. "Wait! I need my satchel, and Crow is coming with me." You picked up the wiry tom and placed him on your shoulder, which he obviously enjoyed, as he rubbed the top of his head on your ear and purred loudly. You put the satchel on as well, putting your library book inside with your textbooks.

                      "Okay, now we can go." you said, following Luna out. As the two of you made it into the Great Hall, you noticed the glares that were aimed your direction. The only friendly faces were Harry's and Ron's, and Draco's was full of admiration. Hermione eyed you warily as you walked past her, her mocha eyes narrow.

                   You ate breakfast quickly, gulping down a swig of water before getting up to head to the library for the remaining hour and twenty-five minutes. "Where are you going?" Luna asked as she fed Crow, who was in her lap. "Library." you say simply, placing a hand on her shoulder in farwell, before dashing off.

                  You entered the library, the warm smell welcoming you, drawing you in. The library felt like your safe place. "Hello Madam Pince!" you greeted chipperly, holding her book firmly in your hands. "Hello Ms. Riddle. Have you finished it?" You nodded, walking off to where you found it and placing it in the correct spot.

               "Mind if I grab another?" you asked, making Madam Pince give a small smile. "Feel free to any of the books, except for the one's in the restricted section. You'll need special permission for those." You nodded, and immediately a book caught your eye.

                 "'Ways to Have Better Control and Speed On Your Broom' eh? Sounds fascinating." you mutter. You sit at the table you sat in yesterday. But it only took fifteen minutes for your reading to get interupted. "Riddle? What are you doing here?" Hermione asked, shocked an evil wizard's daughter would ever actually read and learn.

                 "Just reading on how to impress gorgeous and smart witches, like yourself." you say, smirking. Hermione rolled her eyes, frowning. "What are you really reading?" Hermione read the title as you showed her the cover. "'Ways to Have Better Control and Speed On Your Broom'? What, are you planning on trying out for the Quidditch team?"

                You shrugged. "No, not really. I'm reading it because it's a book that I want to read. It's pages soothe me. It's like my mother always told me, 'There is no friend as loyal as a book'. And I'm taking that quote. This book brings me comfort."

               Hermione frowned. "And why would you need to be comforted?" You felt your eyes flicker from her to the book. You tried to calm yourself, taking a deep breath, drinking in the scent of the library. Hermione's scent made your neck hairs stand up. It wasn't strong, but it triggered something in you. Her vanilla and cinnamon scent, along with the smell of coffee.

              "Don't think for one second you know me, Granger. You have no idea who I really am. None of you see through the fact Voldemort is my dad. No one but Luna, anyway. So don't you dare even try to tell me that I don't need comfort. You don't know what I've been through."

                Your eyes lingered on her for only a second, before you went back to reading, trying to lose yourself in the comforting tidal wave of words, but your mind wouldn't focus completely. You heard Hermione take a small breath before pulling out the seat next to you. "I still don't trust you." she muttered. You acknoledged her words with a small kick to her chair.

A/N: Here's a shorter third chapter lol

Trust to Earn (Hermione x fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now