Chapter 9

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                  You woke with a start, sweat coating your face. Terrible nightmares. That's what you had. But, despite the unending dreams that tormented you, you had a bright smile on your face. You get to see Hermione, the witch you can't get enough of.

                 Weekends at Hogwarts were free, though many wizards and witches did their schoolwork. You on the other hand, didn't. You were all caught up. And so was Hermione.

               You knocked on Gryffindor's door, smiling sheepishly. Harry opened it, greeting you with his untidy hair. "Ello Harry..." Harry smiled at your presence. "Well hello Y/N!" He let you in, and you looked around the common room. "Hermione still asleep?" Harry nods, Ron bounding up to you. "Hey Riddle! I want to tell you something!"

         You cringed slightly but nodded. "What is it Weasley?" Ron smirked playfully. "You're girlfriend couldn't stop talking about you to us last night. She's been keeping us...updated."

Your jaw dropped and you felt your palms sweat a little. "S-she does what now? Wait a minute-" You squinted slightly at Ron. "You make it sound like you want us to date. Didn't you used to date her?" Ron looked serious, a small smile on his face.

           He put a hand on your shoulder and spoke calmly. "As the gingerest bitch here I'm going to inform you that me and Hermione would've never worked out. I could never do anything to make her truly happy. But you, you make her happier than I've ever seen. Besides... She smelled you in Amortentia, so I can't say shit Riddle."

    You grinned at Ron. "I wonder who you smelled?" Ron blushed and looked away awkwardly. Harry grinned back at you. "Blaise Zabini. I got Draco."

     Neville walked out of the boy's dormitory and stood there in shock. "Why the heck is there a Ravenclaw in here?" You looked at him blankly and Neville coward behind an armchair. "I- it's He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's daughter!!"

       You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, because I'm totally into torturing and killing innocent people." Ron looked at him with distaste. "Don't talk shit like that about Riddle over here. She's actually awesome, thank you." Harry nodded.

      "Don't be rude Neville. Come say hi and actually meet her instead of assuming she's a bitch." Neville's eyes were wide as he slowly approached you. When he stood in front of you you recognized who his parents were.

        "Shit.... You're a Longbottom, aren't you?" The boy nodded, looking pained at the way you recognized him. His parents. He looks like them. You remembered being very little when you watched your dad torture them crazy.

       Your eyes watered and you hugged him. He was shocked at first but then he hugged you back, kind of liking the warm embrace. "I'm so sorry for what my father did. I promise, I am nothing like him." Neville nodded as you pulled away from him, his eyes glistening with emotion. He smiled at you. "I'll hold you to that promise."

          Ron and Harry patted your back supportively. They reminded you of brothers that you've never had. And you realized that's who they were to you. And you could see by the glow in their eyes they felt it too. You smiled brightly at them, and they smiled back.

         You heard footsteps then. You looked to see Hermione approaching, grabbing your hand softly. "Hey Y/N..." She muttered, looking happy and sleepy. You looked at her playfully. "Did you stay up late studying again?" She wrinkled her nose slightly, trying to think of an excuse. She finally sighed and admitted it. "Yes, I did."

          She hugged onto your waist, resting her forehead on your back. Neville winked at you, making your cheeks go warm. You needn't be reminded of how you felt about Hermione. But you loved her too much to complain about Neville.

         Hermione tugged you by your hand and shoved you gently into an armchair, then sitting in your lap. She looked at you with a playful smile. "I'm not complaining." You say, laughing a bit and kissing her nose. Hermione blushes a bit and stares for a moment. She pecks your lips playfully then darts out of your lap.

          You chase her around the common room, laughter filling it. Seeing as most people were out, not asleep, no one was disturbed. Harry and Ron watched, amused,while Neville watered his new plant. You eventually caught Hermione, tickling her.

           She giggled uncontrollably, writhing in your arms. "Riddle! Stop~!" Eventually you did stop, smiling wide at her. She grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the Gryffindor common room, and into the girls' dormitory.

             She smiled and pulled you to sit on her bed, looking at you. "I want to know you." She says softly, looking at you. You smile at her. "Ask any question and I'll answer."

           Hermione took a small breath. "How and when did you know you didn't want to be like your father?" You nodded, already knowing exactly what to say. "I knew when I saw what pain he caused. I watched him as he made others suffer. I was 5 when I knew I wanted to be nothing like him."

            Hermione nodded, thinking. She held your hand comfortingly, which you were grateful for. Reliving the horrific memories had always made you uneasy. Hermione thought for a moment.

              "Did your dad ever try and teach you spells?" You snorted with laughter. "Despite him being evil, he was a good dad. He never pressured me to be like him. He loves me dearly. He taught me the Levitation Charm when I was 7. He let me use his wand and surprisingly, it worked. I pointed it at his robes, and he began flying into the air! He had to teach me another spell to get him down. A tree was all he had at that moment!"

           Hermione laughed, grinning at you. "I can't see him doing that."  You winked at her. "But I've seen him do stuff like that many times."  Hermione nodded. "I bet it's hard knowing he's gentle with you and a bitch to the rest of the world." You nod, biting your lip. "And I know one day he will die, though he made himself immortal. It hurts, but as long as I know it's for the good of others, I'll be fine."

           Hermione nodded, thinking. "What is it about that that makes me trust you?" You laugh, a mischievous look in your eye."Maybe I'm a good liar." Hermione rolled her eyes playfully. "Bullshit. I caught you trying to lie to Professor Snape. He let you off easy, but it was so laughable even he started to smile. He never smiles."

         You laughed. "Okay, no need to call me out!" You looked each other in the eyes, and you felt your heart beating fast. You saw Hermione glance down at your lips, and you knew she wanted the same thing. And then you kissed her. She flinched with surprise but without hesitation she kissed back.

          The kiss was passionate and loving. You had no idea you could feel the way you were feeling. It scared you. You knew you wanted to run from how you felt. But you knew deep down there was no escape from how you felt. Or from Hermione. So you kept kissing her. All it takes is a little courage.


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