Chapter 11

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-we're skipping the date bc I don't know what to put-

You waited giddily next to the Fat Lady, waiting for Hermione. It was the day after your date with her and you couldn't wait to see her. Luna was obviously had Crow since you were waiting on Hermione, so now as you shifted your feet, you didn't worry about stepping on a tail.

You never thought falling in love was going to be easy. Of course, you knew it had some pain to it, but it wasn't that part that had always worried you. It was if you would be slow. If it would take you forever. Or, if it would even happen at all. But as soon as you saw Hermione, something clicked. And you needed to know her.

When Her ione walked out of the Gryffindor common room, she let out a sharp exclamation of surprise. "Y/N!!" She hugged you tightly and nuzzled into your neck. You felt your heart flutter as you secured your arms around her. She hummed softly, feeling safe in your arms. She couldn't help but feel safe. She trusted you. 

You chuckled as she peppered kisses all over your neck affectionately.  She hummed, her lips pressed against your neck. "Good morning." She said softly. You grinned and ran your fingers through her hair. You wanted this to last forever. The safe, warm, fuzzy feeling. But you knew it couldn't. And as you fell asleep that night, safe was the last thing you felt.



You felt a searing burn on your arm as you looked up at your father with horror. "FATHER?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Voldemort looked at you with love. But a sick type of love. A love that would make him mark you. "Your mother and I talked and, we decided we'd make you an official part of the family. "

You felt sick to your stomach as he said this. You had flashes of images go through your head. All of them about death. You saw many dead bodies. Some dismembered, some hung. Some bloody, some without a trace, such as a death induced by the killing curse. Your blood ran cold and you screamed for help. The burning got hotter and hotter until you felt blood trickle down your arm like a stream. You writhed around, trying to flee, but you couldn't. The burning got hotter and hotter until....

You awoke, cold sweet glistening on your skin as you let out a sharp yelp. You realized there was no burning on your arm, no mark. You realized your father wasn't here. You took a deep breath as you felt your eyes sting with tears. Luna walked in slowly, sitting next to you in your bed.

She looked at you gently. "Are you okay? What happened?" You smile weakly, a tear slipping down your cheek. "J-just...a bad dream." Luna hugged you tightly as you cried. You gripped her just as tight as she muttered soft words into your ear 

You both eventually fell asleep together, her head laying your chest, you hugging her close to you. You were so grateful for your best friend. She was always there for you. And you were there for her. You both had each other. And that was what mattered.


"Luna- are you fucking cheating on me or something?" Ginny woke us up, not knowing why the hell I was cuddling Luna. Luna blinked slowly as she woke up, stretching and getting up. Ginny inspected us carefully, especially Luna. She check for swollen lips, hickeys, scratches on my back. There was nothing besides my tear stained face. 

"Did something happen last night Y/N? Is everything okay?" She asked with concern. You smiled gently. Just a bad dream. Luna heard me yell when I woke up and she came to comfort me. We ended up falling asleep." Ginny nodded slowly, looking empathetic. "I can only guess what the dream was about? Oh, and Hermione is waiting on you Y/N just so you know-" 

You immediately shoved them out of your room, thanking both of them. You got dressed quickly. You ran out to greet Hermione, you gave you a welcome kiss. It was long and slow this time and it was so comforting you didn't want to pull away. But you had to. 

You smile weakly, but Hermione wasn't buying it. "Love, what's wrong?" She asked, her voice gentle. You spoke quietly. "I get nightmares about my dad. Last night was horrible." She looked at you with concern. "If you're sure you're okay.... let's head to class."

A/N: finally updated

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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