Chapter 24

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"You're good to go Y/N!"The nurse said and I nodded and got changed.

I dialed Michael's number and he picked me up.

"Where to miss?"He said in his Australian accent.

"I dunno"

He started driving and we passed a cemetery.I saw a familiar brown eyed girl and told Michael to drop me off.
We said our goodbyes and he drove off.

"So who are you visiting?"I asked camila and she turned around her eyes wide...

"And I'm going crazy!"She said.

I went and hugged her she sobbed into my shirt and looked at me...
"Y-You're real!!!"She screamed and hugged me.

"You're dead?!"She asked confused.
"Nope y'all confused me with Y/N r
Rivera.Thats the girl that got run over too"I explained and she nodded.

We got to her car and drove home.

"Go inside!"Camz said.
I opened the door and barged in.

"So y'all just left me in there and didn't pick me up and ally you kissed another girl I'm disappointed in you guys!!"I said and they stood up.

The blank look on their faces was changing Allys eyes lit up again Demi snapped out of her trance Shannon and Dinah smiled while Zayn looked up his eyes sparkling Liam got sweet again while Larry where smiling.

Lauren and Normani hugged me first then the lads then the girls last was Ally I kissed her and she smiled.
I explained everything and they nodded.

****Three weeks later*****

We were in a venue to reveal the news to everyone...

Shannon,Nicole and Valeria started singing 18.

I was playing the guitar backstage...
It was time for my solo I got on the stage...

"So kiss me where I lay down my hands pressed to your cheeks a long way from the playground..."I sang and the crowd went wild my phone blew up...

We explained everything to them and finished the show..
I fell asleep after having two rounds of sex with Ally amazing we were cuddling in my bed...The guys who ran over me got arrested...DEMI was fine the lads are fine the girls are fine...

Everything was falling into place now...


Feedback is appreciated guys thxs for reading.

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