Chapter 18

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I was left alone with Y/N.
"Do you want anything?"I asked and she shook her head.
"So,you like us?"She asked.
"Um,yeah"I said blushing.
"Can we put a movie and cuddle and have popcorn?"She asked.
"Yeah we can"I said and her face light up.
"I'm going to change!"She said.

We had everything set up Y/N picked the movie it was Nemo.

After 8 or 10 movies Y/N fell asleep cuddling into me.
I checked the time...Well we got here at 3:30 and it was 8:00 now.I got up to order a pizza.

I woke up to talking.
I looked around,I was expecting Taylor to be right beside me but she wasn't.
"Oh you're up!"Taylor said cheerfully.
"Hmmm,taytay I'm hungry"I said and she chuckled,"I figured so I ordered a pizza"She said.

After we ate and changed into our pjs I felt my eyelids getting heavier until I fell asleep on the couch.

Me and Camila got back to my house after 3 hours of amazing sex.
She was making some vines,until something in the couch moved.
We ignored it it wasn't Taylor she was in her room Chris was at a friends house,mom and dad were sleeping.

It was Y/N!She must have fallen asleep on the couch...
"Hey babe,wanna prank Y/N?"I asked and she nodded.
We grabbed a few markers and started doodling on her face and writing things like TAYLOR IS BAE CAMREN 5Eva ALLY IS MINE BANANAS!
I took a picture of her and posted it on Twitter:
@Laurenjauregui:With @camilacabello97 and this sorta happened love ya babe!Sowwy @Y/T/N...
*****photo attached*****

After we finished we went to sleep...

I woke up in the couch.
I looked around and saw a note:

Hi! You must've woken up well me and Camz dropped Taylor off at school!Dont forget to pick her up at 11:30.
We'll see YA later,

I chuckled at the note.
I took a shower and changed into some skinny jeans a 1975 tshirt Ally's beanie that said FLOVE on it and my white converse.

After that I went and looked in the mirror.I had washed my face because camren doodled on it.

I saw my Twitter and checked the time:
10:30.Well I got my rental car and drove to Starbucks.The car I rented was
a red mustang with black stripes...

After i ate at Starbucks it was already 11,so I decided to go pick up Taylor at school because today since after school the teachers have some reunion they exited at 11:30.

I got to Taylor's school and exited the car.I felt all eyes on me.
"Taytay come on I'm hungry!"I called after her and she turned around.
Everyone's eyes widened when I said that.She ran to me and pulled me in a massive hug.

I took some pictures with Taylor's friend and we left...

A/N:Short and crappy Sowwy if
y'all have ideas please comment!
I just got braces and they hurt a lot we'll thxs for reading!

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