Chapter 16

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I woke up in Ally's bunk,I got off and walked to where the girls were.
"ALLY LOOK AT THE POOR GIRL!!"Camila yelled wich caused the other girls to chuckle.
"What did she...
"Oh"I said looking at the hickeys in my neck.
I blushed and went to were ally was sitting.

Once Y/N got to where I was she buried her face in my neck.
Suddenly Valeria came and started yelling into her phone.
After she hung up she pulled Y/N away from us...

"What's up Vaa?"I said and she gave
her phone:

Unknown number:
You and Jesy can't be together!
I will break you to apart...

I don't care ok...Who are you and leave me the fuck alone!

Unknown number:
You will pay...Valeria you will...

"OMG!"I said looking at her phone.
"What are we going to do?!"She said.
"Track the number duhh"I said and she looked at me...

It was time to say goodbye to the girls Valeria was still receiving texts.
Shannon and Dinah are still dating.
Camren too.
We were packing after this last show in Miami I was going to meet the Jauregui's and the Cabellos...

Ally and me have been dating for 3 months I already met her family they were super nice.

We are going to prank the girls...

We had everything set up...
First I was going to lead the girls to the venue.

Up that door there was going to be a bucket of non-toxic blue paint.
After the paint fell on them Shannon was going to throw flower petals at them,while i got my camera and take a picture of their faces.

After the pictture Nicole will throw confetti at them and we ran...

I started to lead the girls to the venue.

"So the mics are in there and everything"I said.
"Thank you!"they said in unison.

I grabbed my camera me and the girls got ready...
"Hey camz..."
"OR SEX!!!!"
The girls screamed.
They came out of the room.
Shannon threw the petals.
Nicole threw the confetti.
"Say cheese!!"
"RUN!!!"I said and we started running away from them.

We ran after the girls.
I found Y/N and locked her in a room with me. I looked around it had a bed and lamps and a tv.
"Uh,well this is our secret room"she explained.
I smirked and kissed her hard.

She gulped hard...
"Oh you're dead!"
"But babe!"
I kissed her and pinned her against the bed...

"Our bodies molded together perfectly, our lips were each other's match as they moved deliciously together in a passionate, lingual kiss, my hands slid slowly from the top her neck all the way down to the end of her ass where I cupped it and pinched it gently then roughly squeezing it pushing it up to create friction between us, she moaned in my mouth and bit down on my bottom lip, we broke the kiss for oxygen and we took this as a chance to switch positions so I was "top of her, at this point I didn't five a fuck if someone saw us, I wanted Y/N right there right now.

I spread her legs wide open and rubbed circles on her inner thighs with both of my thumbs; she bit her bottom lip and looked at me with eyes full of lust, passion, but most importantly love. My mind was racing and my heart was beating out of its chest, there was an electrifying feeling going through my body as the realization that we were in fact in the middle of a venue in a random room that could be soon opened and Y/N and I were about to do it.

I lifted her left leg "on my shoulder, I licked and grazed my lips on her delicate skin until I reached dangerously close to her center, I bit down on her thigh and then looked up at her, she had her eyes closed, head thrown back and her hands were spread apart playing with the sheets,she was waiting for me to have my way with her, I brought my finger up and slowly teased her through her underwear she whimpered and I added more force to her delicate spot that was begging for way more attention as I felt the clear throbbing, Y/N looked at me begging for me to do something else, I smirked and slid my hand in her panties finally making skin to skin contact with her hot "wet center, I ran my finger through her folds at a painfully slow pace, she gripped the towel we were lying as started to kiss her navel slowly going down, I brought my finger down to tease her entrance as gave her one long lick on her folds, She let out soft moans as she arched her back, I slowly circled her clit with my tongue, and entered her with one finger.

"Fuuuuucckk...." She moaned and started to pant heavily.

I started to trace my name on her clit slowly as my finger when in and out teasing her, she brought her hands and dug them in my hair pulling me closer to her, I added another finger in her but kept going in the slow pace, she moaned my name and pulled me even closer to her, I started to get more aggressive, sucking hard and biting down on her now, my fingers when in and out of her faster, she spread her legs even more and was screaming out obscenities which only made me get more into what I was doing, I pounded harder and faster in her and her body started to tremble.

"Ally.... Oh my God...." She moaned and groped her right breast with her hand.

Her chest was heaving, she was breathing heavily, panting as"she loss control of her body, I curled my finger in her sweet spot and she let out a high pitched moan, and her body fell limb, she gently rubbed my scalp and she tried to control her breathing, I went up to her face and looked at her, she was flushed and her eyes were closed, and had a smile on her face.

I kissed her chin, and left soft bites across her jawline.

"I love you." She breathed out as I licked her neck all the way to her lobe; I softly kissed her lobe and went up to rest my forehead on hers.

"I love you too." I said staring at her, her eyes were still closed and her mouth was agape, I licked the inside of her mouth and she closed her lips around my tongue, tasting herself, I moaned and our lips meshed together, Y/N sat up slowly, wrapping her hands around my waist making our hot bodies become one, she tilted her head deepening the kiss.

After we pulled away I smirked and left her there with spots of blue paint on her body.

I closed the door when I saw Valeria she was against the wall sobbing...

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