Chapter 2

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Your POV
Once the car came into a stop,we were shoved into a room.
The person tied us to a pole or something.
The person took our blindfolds off and left the room.
I opened my eyed and looked around,Shannon was next to my right,Valeria to my left and Nicole was in front of me.
It was silent until Shannon spoke up
Where the hell are we?!
"I don't know but I think we're on earth and in a room" Valeria replied and Shannon glared at her.
"Come on let's get out of here"Valeria said.
We tried mining our hands but the were tied.
Suddenly Valeria pulled out some scissors and cut the rope.Yaaaas she was free.
After she untied us we ran to the door.Great it was locked!
Wait we got our phones! Nicole said Im calling Paul!
Nicole called Paul and told him we were in a room,we were looking around until I found something.
It was a paper and it said the address of the place.
Warehouse #18 00879
Nicole told him the address and Paul said they were on their way.
We waited for 30 minutes until we heard a smash trough the door.
It was Paul!
We ran to him he carried me on his back and the other bodyguards took the girls.
Once we were out of their and in our flat,I went and took a shower then I went to the couch and I felt my eyelids getting heavier,and I fell asleep.

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