Chapter 5

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Ally's POV
I was with the girls waiting for Lauren,when my mind drifted off to her.Y/N Thirlwall,we dated for two years until I broke up with her that was like two-three years ago,I still regret it though.
Suddenly the door opened and it revealed Lauren and a girl with a bleeding eyebrow.
I just stared at her,well all of us did,Lauren just cleaned her cut and put a band-aid on it.
While Lauren cleaned my cut I was staring at them,well mostly ally.What am I thinking I have a girlfriend yes a girlfriend.
All the girls stared at me until Camila broke the silence."OMFG YOUR Y/N FROM LITTLE DIRECTION LAUREN PINCH ME!!!!!"
Lauren pinched Camila and she yelped.
Hi I'm Y/N and you are-I was cut off by five girls screaming "Fifth harmony"
I stared at them and they apologized.
Then Shannon,Valeria and Nicole entered looking worried.
"Babe,where the hell were you we searched everywhere" Shannon said frustrated. " sorry " I said.

Ally's POV
After the girls introduced themselves,Y/N asked a question nobody expected "Is camren real"
All the girls looked at her wide eyed until Lauren said "Yes" and they kissed.
Dinah got her phone and videoed Y/N fainting.
After Y/N woke up,Lauren asked if she was taken.She said yes,my heart broke Y/N said she was dating Ariana Grande.
I just stared at her and wanted to tell her that I still loved her but I can't I have Troy.
When the girls left Normani comforted me.

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