Chapter 14

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"What,Why?!!"I asked her and she let out a bitter laugh. "Oh sweetie you're oblivious aren't you"She said I looked at her confused.

"I still want you Y/N"...She said and I laughed."Oh really you should've thought about that before you broke my heart!" "And the fact that you like Big Sean and are straight!"I said and she stared at me.

"Well your still mine"She said and I shook my head."Nope I'm ally's and I am happy"I said and she glared at me.
I looked for my phone it was at the table."I'll be back love!"Ariana said...

Omg where is she!!!I've been looking for hours."Guys,I think I know where she is!!"Valeria said in her Irish accent.
"Where?"Nicole said.
"Here"Valeria said.Suddenly Y/N's cousin came running over to us."I called Demi,she's coming,I know where she is"Jade said panting.
Valeria gave us her phone it tracked Y/N's "I'm here ladies"Demi said and we showed her the address,before we left Fifth harmony came.
"We're going too!"They said in unison. I called Ariana's phone and she answers.

A:"Hi,I was hoping you would call"...
S:"Where is she!"
A:"Oh Y/N?Shes here with me enjoying it"...
I was about to answer but Demi got the phone...
D:"Cut the bullshit what do you want Ariana"
D:"Well she's ally's not yours!!"
A:"Well ill GET gong before Y/N...Well gotta go bye!!!!"

After Demi gave me the phone and it buzzed.I saw that Ariana tweeted:

@ArianaGrande:I just want to hold you one more time...Like when you were mine...

I looked at the phone then it clicked!
"Guys she doesn't want her she just needs someone to hold!""She's not raping her or anything she just misses her!"
The girls looked shocked...
Once we got into the van I started driving where Y/N was...

"Why are you doing this?"I asked Ariana.She was crying.
"Because I miss you a-and I'm s-sorry"She said in between sobs.
You see she untied me we were now laying on the bed.
She cuddled into me while I comforted her.After a while she fell asleep.
There was a bang on the door I opened it,it was the girls!
I hugged them and told them to stay in the car.
I found a pen and some paper.I wrote Ariana a note:
You're probably looking for me,well I already left.Please don't look for me or anything I don't want to talk to you not now.Maybe in a month,a year or days...But I need time.I will be here to talk always remember that.I owe you a lot you know...I'll tell you some other time.
With love,

After that I hopped in the van the girls asked me questions but I didn't hear them.

After a while we got to the bus.
I changed into my clothes.

We went to souncheck.After that we got food I saw the schedule:
Stockholm Syndrome,fireproof,18,dance off,clouds,ready to run,no control and act my age.

Fifth harmony just finished Ally kissed me good luck and we got on the stage:

We rocked the stage we got changed and went into the bus I got in my bunk and fell asleep...

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