Chapter 15

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I woke up to yelling.I got out of my bunk and went to shut the girls up."What the hell are you yelling about!"I said grumpily.
"Cher Lloyd!!"They say in unison.
"What about her?!"I ask
"She's playing the kidnapper in the Stockhom Syndrome video!"Valeria said.

After eating and getting dressed we went to shoot the video.

"And...This is Cher Lloyd!"The director said.
We greeted Cher and started shooting the video...

After shooting the video we were doing the behind the scene one.
"And this is the set,here we have the sassy and amazing Y/N"Valeria said to the camera.
I was currently tied to a pole and I couldn't get my hands out.
"Va,I'm stuck"I said and she laughed,while the camera man filmed us.
After I got untied we went to get food.
We ate and we got back to the bus.

Ally was waiting for me and she looked jealous?

"Hi babe!"I said cheerfully.
She went and kissed me hard.
She pulled me away from the girls and led me to her bus...

"She kissed my lips roughly and forced her tongue inside my mouth, her hands went to the back of my thighs and she lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around her waist and deepened our kiss.

She bit my bottom lip pulling it out as far as she could, I groaned in pain but at the same time I was very aroused, she let it go and connected our lips again, there was jealousy and anger transmitting through her lips to mine, our mouths moved in synch, our tongues tried to battle for dominance "but it was a battle quickly won by her as I let her take over me.

I moaned into her mouth and I felt her smirk into the kiss. She carried me over the sink and placed me down on it, she went down to my shorts and unbuttoned them, I broke the kiss and stood up making the shorts drop to the ground, I lifted up her shirt and she took it off throwing it on the floor, she lifted me up on the sinks again, she went down to neck and started sucking hard on my pulse point, my hands went to her boobs and I squeezed them roughly making her bite down on my neck hard.

"Ow shit..." I moaned. She pulled away and kissed softly the area she had bitten.

She moved to the other side of my neck making her mark, I arched my neck back and moaned, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer, I slowly made my way into her pants from behind and groped her bottom, she whimpered and kissed my lips once again. Heat was radiating off of us, her hand went down to my inner thigh and I knew exactly where this was going, she messaged it going up slowly until reaching my center, she placed her finger over my now wet underwear and rubbed it.

I groaned and pulled away"

"Just fucking do it already before they wonder where the hell we went!" She smirked and entered my underwear she bit her lip and ran her fingers inside my folds, I spread my legs and she smirked, she went to my jawline and placed soft kisses all over it leading up to my ear and softly sucking on my lobe, I moaned. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time." She said in a husky whisper making my whole body shiver, I whimpered.

"Then d-do it." I said as she started to slowly circle my clit, I moaned quietly and closed my eyes.

"Babe look at me." She said sensually and I opened my eyes and bit my lip.

She went to my entrance and rested her forehead on mine, I bit my lip even harder feeling her touching me where I needed it the most, she lifted my chin up to look at her with her free hand, once we were looking into each other's eyes she slowly entered my with one finger, she was going at a painfully slow pace. "Ally..." I moaned.

She smirked and laughed, she kissed my neck where she had left her mark. I couldn't take it anymore my hand went down to hers and I pushed it deeper in my, I moaned.

"Y/N, you just have to tell me." She said adding another finger in me. I threw my head back as she sped up her pace along with some movements of her thumbs I grabbed her neck and pressed our foreheads together I moaned loudly but it was quickly muffled by Ally's tongue, she started going now at a furious pace while adding one more finger, I was feeling close to my release, we were panting heavily, I closed the gap between us once more and moaned into her mouth as she curled her fingers against my sweet spot making me go over the edge, I broke the kiss and arched my back and moaned her name loudly, I was breathing heavily and my chest was heaving. She rode out my orgasm and pulled out making me whimper at the loss of contact. She kissed my lips softly."

"You're mine remember that baby"She winked and left.
After that I got up and limped a little.
"TOLD YA THEY DID IT!!!"Dinah yelled.
I glared at her and say down.
"Is she good in bed"Jade asked and I blushed a deep shade of red...

We got some dinner and ate.
After that we got changed and I slept in Ally's bunk we cuddled and watched a movie...

A/N:Thank you for 3.k reads it means a lot to me!

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