Chapter 26

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Here we are two months later...
We're currently talking about our pasts and stuff and Zayn mentioned our matching tongue piercings we got a few years ago...

Ally looked at me shocked while Zayn showed her the picture.

Me and Ally were happily married so was camren...

We were taking a break before me and Ally go to our honeymoon.
We were going to Paris...


We were currently in the hotel checking what to do...

"Let's go to the park or to the shops or to the-"
I cut her off with a kiss.

"Let's go to the music shops babe"I said and she nodded.

We were walking around the music shop when suddenly Y/N picked up reflection and four both deluxe edition.

"Omg babe!!"She squealed and I kissed her...

Some girls noticed us and asked for pictures.

Y/N was talking to them in French and they blushed while I stood confused.

Y/N blushed to some things they said...

"Let's go babe!"
"Ok,Bye girlies!"

After the we went to the Eiffel Tower to eat.

After we ate we took a picture together and Y/N started screaming:



We went back to the hotel...

We started kissing and one thing led to another..

"I noticed she was wearing way too much clothing so my hands snuck under her top and slowly pulled it over her head before biting my lip at the sight of her in only her bra. My hands quickly removed her skirt too and I kiss every inch of skin I can find, until I bring my lips back to hers and waste no time in kissing her. I tilt my head and deepen the kiss, her tongue finding its way into my mouth as I start to sway my hips slightly, grinding into her. She moans into my mouth and her hands find my waist and guide my hips as I slowly rock back and forth until she suddenly flips us over so she's between my legs.

When breathing became necessary she latched her lips onto my jaw, working her way down to my neck and sucking the pulse point she found easily since my heart was beating as fast as a hummingbirds wings

I tug on the roots of her hair softly encouraging her and I moan when she softly bites my neck before swirling her tongue around the inured skin. Her hands travel down my body, skimming over every inch of me she can making me feel like I was on fire. Her lips move to my collarbone and she runs her tongue along it before peppering it with kisses, her hand slowly sliding up my ribs and traces the outline of my bra.

"Y/N," I breathe out desperately, her touch delicate but driving me insane.

"Hmm," she mumbles into the skin of my chest as she leaves hot kisses there.

"Take it off," I stutter as her fingers play with the underside of my bra. She looks up at me and smirks before slowly bringing her mouth down to the left strap of my bra and pulling it off my shoulder with her teeth, doing the same to the other strap too. Her arms snake around my back and quickly unhook my bra before she slowly slides it off my body and flings it behind her and staring at me shamelessly.

"So fucking beautiful," she whispers under her breath as I stare up at her. Between the lust and excitement I still managed to feel butterflies in my stomach when she said those words, having to bite my lip to stop myself from smiling too big.

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