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After that conversation, they both sat there for hours, not saying anything. He looked at her, finally deciding on what he can do. "My parents have a list of missing children from each pack. She can find out which pack you are from, and we can go there. If you would like to." He whispered to her. He was trying to be gentle, to keep her from getting upset again. All of this is confusing, and he already knew that it was. She finally looked at him, now very confused then she has ever been. "If they are not parents, then who are they?" She quizzed. He watched her, still trying to keep his smile so he had nothing to worry about. She was now looking at him, with a fire in her eyes that he has never seen before. At that point, he did not know how to answer him. She waited a few minutes for him to answer, and so far, got nothing. "Well? Are you going to tell me? Did my real parents just not want me?" She finally yelled. His eyes got wide, as he stared at her. "No, they wanted you! Do not ever think for a minute that they did not! Those people that were raising you, they are hunters. They did not adopt you, they kidnapped you when you were a baby!" He yelled back. He did not appreciate being yelled at, especially after everything that has happened. He would give her all the answers that she wanted, but not be yelled at.

She let out the breath that she was holding. Kidnapped? Hunters? What exactly is going on. "What do you mean they kidnapped me? What kind of hunters?" She asked. He looked down at the floor, trying to come up with a way to say this, without freaking her out more than she already was. "They hunt wolfs. They hunt our kind, so far we have learned they kidnapped all the wolf pups when they were children, gave them something to keep them from changing at the right age, so they could use you to bring your own kind down. You were not supposed to shift yet, why you did? I do not know." He told her as calmly as he could. Sometimes talking about this stuff made him angrier and made him want to go out and hurt something. He had practice ignoring those feelings. She sighed, looking back down at the floor again. She was not sure how she was supposed to react to all this information, but one thing was for sure, she was more confused now then ever before. "I just don't understand, how come this was never explained to me before. How long have you known?" She whimpered out. He shrugged his shoulders, watching her closely. "I found out right before we moved here. We moved here looking for someone, someone with the same name as you. Delta," He started, "I was rescued from my kidnappers right before we moved here, I was so confused and didn't understand to the point, I asked for a DNA test from my real parents, and it came back that I was theirs." He said, now standing, waiting for her to stand up with him.

To say that she was upset was an understatement. Right now, she was terribly upset at the fact that he knew and did not say anything to her. "If you knew, how come you didn't say anything to me?" She asked, finally letting the tears slip out. He took her hands in his, instantly having to let go, from the electric shock they both felt, he took a step back looking at her confused, with her doing the same. "We had to be sure that you were her, and not just a human named the same name as her, and I am not sure what that feeling was, that was new to me. I have never felt it with you before." He spoke quietly. She watched, looking back and forth between him and her hands. This was new to her, and she was not sure if she should like that feeling or run from it. "What is going on with us Carlos?" She asked. He looked like he was on the verge of panicking. He started walking to his bedroom door, motioning for her to follow him. "Follow me, we are going to ask my real parents." He spoke, still walking. She walked with him like he asked. "Wait, your real parent is here?" She asked surprised. He nodded at her, continuing his walk down to what she assumed, the kitchen.

They arrived at the kitchen, taking a seat at the table, as his mom laid out some small foods on the table, looking at Carlos. She then froze, and glanced back at me, giving her full attention. "Well Carlos, who is this very young lady?" She asked curious. She was still towering over her, watching her, seeing if she could recognize her from anywhere. "That, mom, is Delta." He said. Delta could clearly see her tense up, making it a little uncomfortable sitting right in front of her, making her own self at unease. "Delta... your joking, right? This is just a human with the same name, right?" She asked. She could hear all the emotions swirling in her voice, and see it visible on her face, making her even more confused now. Did she know who she was? Did she know her real parents? Did she know what was going on with her? "No, mom, it is her, I have seen her change into her wolf and everything. But she is kind of on the run." He stated. She spun back to him, with a rather big smile. "You know what this means right?" She asked. He nodded his head no, just as confused as her now. "This means we will be able to free all the other children, and everyone can get there kids back!" She screeched, jumping up and down.

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