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Since Luca had been taking down, the hunters had not come around in roughly two weeks. Delta was trying to hold herself together as much as possible but felt like she would not be able to much longer. Alaric had to go back to his coven to get things situated there and was going to come back after to try and help comfort her through all of this. She just had to hold it together until he returned. Of course, that was proving rather difficult. Considering she just met them, she should not be so upset, but could no help it because she had wanted to get to know them, and now she cannot because they died before they even had the chance to. She got to know her mother a little, but not very much, and her father she did not get to meet at all. She met an intruder instead.

She sighed sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. She had been sitting there for at least two hours, trying to get her head out of the clouds, and force herself to get up and get dressed for the funeral. She had not succeeded in forcing herself yet. Calling someone in here to force was probably a good idea, but she did not even have the energy for that. At this point, she just wanted to let go, and lay down to go back to sleep since she was still in her pajamas anyways. She looked at the ceiling for a moment, before shrugging her shoulders, and crawling back under the covers to pretend like she had nothing to do. She was also making sure she would be able to avoid everyone, because they keep talking about how she needed to run the pack since both of her parents were now gone, but she did not want to. Doesn't she have an older brother out there somewhere that should technically be leading the pack? Her sister and her, already knew that they could not do it, because they are females. Her sister did not seem to be in the right mind either and she did not mean in the sad kind of way either.

Her sister had seemed weird to her when she first met her anyways, but now that their parents were gone, she was even weirder. She was not sad about either one's deaths, or she seemed as if she did not have a care in the world. She frowned at that thought. Something was off about that situation. She knew she would need to figure it out, but she could not right now. She did not have the right mind as she was saying earlier. She could barely get herself up to get dressed. Sometimes she wondered maybe if the girl was really her father's child or not. Could that be possible? Her mother would not have done that would she have? Having that thought made her frown. She did not strike her mother as being someone that would do that. Now that she thinks about it, none of this was making sense to her except that something was off about her sister, and she would need to figure it out soon before something bad happened and no one realized what was going on. That would mean that she would have to get out of the bed and take control of the pack like everyone wants her to do.

She let out a frustrated growl as she sat up and began getting out of bed. Just as she got to her feet, someone knocked on her door making her look that way. She rolled her eyes, and walked over to the door, cracking it open to see Susan standing in front of it smiling at her. The smile was fake, but it was still there. Delta stepped to the side, opening the door wider to let her in so they could talk because that would be the only reason why she would be there. She closed the door and walked back over to the bed beginning to make it up while waiting for Susan to say what she is going to say.

"Good morning, I know you did not want to be bothered, but I really need to talk to you." She spoke quietly. You could hear in her voice that she was still upset, but there was nothing that she could do about it right now because of her own emotions.

"Okay, so speak." She answered, glancing at her and then back at her bed. Susan nodded, looking down at the floor.

"I know you are still going through a hard time. But we really need someone to take over with the pack. We haven't been able to locate your older brother yet, and I am not sure that I trust your younger sister." She stated in a business tone, now watching Delta as she moved around her bed to make it up. Delta sighed once again, stopping, and looking right at Susan. She was not sure if Susan heard her thought process earlier, but she seemed to be on the same lines as she was.

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