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The next morning, Delta woke up to the sun shining in her face and the blankets wrapped around her body still. It was taking a minute for her to get used to not being woken up by being beaten or yelled at, and she wished she could get used to it soon. She hated waking up, feeling scared of what is going to happen. She rolled over onto her back, rubbing her eyes with her hands, then looking up at the rood. Memories of the past few days flooded back into her mind, and she closed her eyes. She remembered, her mother was supposed to be coming today, and she was not ready for it, but she had no choice. Her heart started racing once again, and she began to become sweaty. She sighed sitting up in bed, looking around to see what the others were doing, but they were not there. She was alone. She frowned and laid back down on the bed, staring at the roof. She sighed and rolled onto her side, hoping to fall back to sleep for a little bit longer. She closed her eyes, in hope that would help her fall asleep. Just as she was about to, the door slammed open and closed, as Susan and Carlos walked in laughing at whatever they were talking about. Her eyes opened, and she rolled them, sighing. 'So much for going back to sleep.' She thought to herself, sitting up again. Carlos sat down on the bed, and Susan went back to the chair she was in the day before.

She looked at them, more like glared for waking them. Susan looked at her, ignoring the glare, and smiled. "I brought you breakfast. I figured that you would be hungry." She said, setting a bag in front of her. She opened it, and seen what it was, pulling it from the bag and beginning to eat. She sighed as she felt the food go down. She was hungrier than she thought she was. She was not sure why, but either way, she ate. She put her trash in the bag and moved it away from her a little, and let it digest. She felt better now that she ate something, but now if she could fully wake up, that would be awesome. All she wanted to do, was sleep, even though she knew that she had to get up and get dressed since her mother would be there soon. She could bale if she wanted to. She decided not to though, since she knew this would need to happen soon anyways. Might as well face it now, instead of waiting until later. It may be easier doing it now instead of later. She looked over at Susan, working the energy to ask the question she needed to ask. "So, what time will be she be here?" She asked loudly, finally getting the energy to ask. Susan looked up at her, smiling from ear to ear. "I would say roughly fourty-fie minutes, so if you want to freshen up any before she gets here, then you should." She stated, going back to eating her food and doing whatever she was doing. Delta nodded her head, slowly getting up to walk to the bathroom.

After finally finishing up on freshening up, she went to open the door, until she heard Susan talking to someone else. Another female that did not sound familiar to her.

"Susan, how are you? Did everything go okay?" She heard the woman ask Susan. She could feel herself holding her breath. It was obvious that woman is her mother, listening she just tried to picture what the woman looked like.

"Everything went perfectly. Would you like a moment alone with her?" She heard Susan ask her. Her hands immediately went to shaking. She was not ready for this, and she knew it. She was going to get confused, but she would try not anyways. 'This needed to happen.' She kept telling herself.

"Yeah. A moment alone with her may be a good idea, since it has been sixteen years." After hearing the woman say that, she did not hear nothing else. She heard some people leaving the room, and then the door closing. Either there was no one there, or the woman was sitting in there waiting on her. She slowly let her breath out and turned the door handle. She looked at the roof, sighing, and opening the door to face the fear. She looked up, seeing the woman standing at the door, and could not take her eyes off her. She looked like a mirror image of herself. Her straight black hair laid gently down her back and on her pale face. Her dark green eyes faced her, with nothing but love, love she was sure had been held for an exceptionally long time. The only difference in their looks, was her hair was wavy instead of straight. She blinked a couple of times and stood there watching her mother. She remained still, as her mother reached a handout to her and placed it on her cheek gently. Her mother pulled her into a hug, finally speaking.

"You don't know how nice it as to finally meet you! I have waited years, and I have looked for years! I am so glad that you are home!" She sobbed out, continuing to hug her. Delta, returned the hug, wrapping her arms around her. She immediately felt the warmth and safety when she wrapped it her arms around her. She is her mom. "I know," She started, pulling back from the hug to look at the woman, "It may take a while for me to warm up to you, but I would like to get to know you, since you are my real mother. And I need some answers." She started, looking her in the eye. She walked over to the bed sitting down. She looked over at her mother, patting the bed next to her letting her know that she was okay to come sit. She obliged. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Delta finally spoke. "Before we got here, we ran into some vampires, they used me to bring out the hunters, and I met the leader of them all."

The woman looked at her and frowned. She looked very confused. "Did they say anything to you?" She asked. Delta looked her, ready to give an honest answer. "Yes, they are going to use the children to bring our kind down but cannot do it without me. So, that should put as at an advantage." She responded. "Don't worry sweetheart, we will make sure they don't get you again. But you said vampire territory? They didn't attempt to kill you on the spot?" She asked. Delta stopped to think for a minute. Kill her on the spot? Why would they do that? She knew both kinds did not get along, but she did not realize it was to that extreme. "No, he said the only reason he didn't, was because they wanted to hunters dead as well, so it almost seemed like they were taking our sides. He killed the hunter's leader, and then let us go." She responded, trying not to get confused. They needed to make sure they had everything understood on both sides. "Okay, we will just have to keep an eye on them." She simply said. The woman grabbed her hand and held it tightly. She glanced up at her mother with one question that has been lingering since she arrived here, she finally decided that she needed to ask that one question. "Why didn't you guys find me sooner?" It came out in a rude way, and she did not mean for it too. Maybe she would not take that in a wrong way.

"We tried to, that I can promise. We looked for fifteen years but could never get a lead. Every time we would get one, something would change, or they would move things around. Finally, last year, we decided to let Susan and Carlos go searching. Seems like we should have done that a long time ago. But we did try." She whispered. She could see the tears starting to come from her eyes, showing that she was telling the truth. They did move around a lot in her childhood until she got in high school, then they stayed put. She sighed, looking at her mother trying to make a smile come to her face, but it would not. "I believe you. Like I said, it may take a while, but we will get a bond. I am sure." She finally said out. Her mother nodded at her and gave her a small smile. Delta stood from the bed, making her way over to the door to open it to get the others to come back in. When she opened the door, she screamed, standing face to face with hunters, holding Susan and the others hostage, and had a dead man laying on the floor in front of them. Her mother came and stood in front of her, pushing her behind her to protect her. She could do nothing but stand there in fear. She felt paralyzed all over. The hunters stood there, grinning at them, like a lion catching their prey. "She is ours, and there is nothing that any of you can do about it!" One hunter spoke, and then it began.

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