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A couple of nights passed since dinner that night, and she has made sure to avoid both her mother and father. She wanted to try and get to know her little sister, but every time she sees her, she gets scared and goes the other way. She would not say scared too much, but more on being nervous. She knew her sister had nothing against her, but she did not want to take the chance on finding out things that she should not. She did not want to think she was trouble or anything, but the vibe she was giving off to her just did not seem right. It kept giving her a bad feeling, that made her more uncomfortable than she should be. She laid in her bed, thinking of what she was going to do today. She sighed, putting her arm over her eyes, not being able to think of anything. Sleeping to be a particularly good idea at this point since there was nothing to do. She rolled over getting ready to go to sleep, until she heard some commotion coming from outside. She sat up instantly and bolted over to the window to look outside.

She gasped at the sight she was seeing before her. Hunters and wolves were all over the place, engaged in battle. She ran out of her room, down to the front door, and outside, instantly jumping into wolf form. She went for the closest hunter to her, and knocked him to the ground, digging her claws into him. She listened as the man screamed out and struggled to breath and try and get her off him. After a few minutes he finally quite struggling and laid underneath her, lifeless. She let go of him and jumped over to the next. She stood in front of the hunter, eyeing him like he was dinner, and the hunter stared at her. You could see in his eyes that he was scared, the rest were not obviously, but this one was. She tilted her head to the side, watching him, and he watched her funny. Something was going on in that head of his, that was obvious. He stood in front of her for a few moments, then finally dropped his knife, and stood straight upholding his hands out.

"I don't want nothing to do with this, I am going to attempt to get out of her." He stated, slowly backing away from her.

She sat back on her hind legs, tilting her head to the side again. She watched as the man continued to take steps backwards. Out of nowhere, the man stood up straight gasping as he opened his mouth wide. A knife came through his chest, and back out the other way, causing him to fall to the ground, lifeless. She was now staring at another hunter, who seemed more heartless than the man that he just killed. She was now back on all four, standing in front of the man. This one did not seem like he was going to back down like the other, so she would have to be careful with this one. They stood in front of each other, neither moving but sized each other up. She stopped moving as the man finally jumped forward, coming straight for her. She squatted down a little, waiting for him to get closer so she could jump at the right time and take him down. Before she got the chance to, another wolf jumped in, knocking him to the ground. Delta stopped and watched on as the other wolf easily took out the hunter. The other wolf, turned towards her and stared for a moment, before bolting off back into the fight. She watched after, confused. The wolf was obviously not Carlos, and she does not think it was either one of her parents either. She frowned in her mind, something was not right, and she felt like she needed to get to the bottom of it. No matter what she did, whoever that wolf was, she had a feeling they were not the good kind. They had a bad stench as well.

She cleared her head out of it, and took off into the fight once again, maybe this time another wolf would not get in the way of her fighting. She went through the first few hunters she came up on without a problem. She stopped for a moment, looking around at her surroundings. Dead wolfs and hunters laid everywhere on the ground, and everyone that was still standing seemed to be struggling. Of course, there was more wolfs standing then there were hunters, but either way, it was a disaster on both ends. Whoever decided to march the hunters in here like this, did not think it through carefully. It was almost as if they wanted to send these hunters to their death. Thinking that made her stop in her tracks. What if that was exactly it? What if whoever did this, wanted these hunters to go to their death? Obviously, this person was not on their side, but they also did not favor the hunters either. She could be wrong with this thought process, but she was almost sure that she was not. Why else would they have been sent here unprepared like this. If they had been prepared, then they would have had guns, knowing that small simple pocket knifes were not going to take a pack this size down. Just as she was about to stop thinking, and join in on the battle, the hunters started backing away, and retreating. She stood there, once again, confused. All the wolfs that were there fighting, were not standing there, looking around at each other, just as confused as she was. One wolf, changed back into human form, quickly throwing cloths on, and stepping out in front of the pack, her father. Of course, the Alpha would make his appearance known after something like that. "Everyone to the pack conference room, its time for a meeting." He stated, stepping down, and heading inside to the conference room.

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