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Seven in the evening rolled around, and delta, had just got done showering. She had began procrastinating because she was starting to get anxious. It was not just about having a full meal with them for the first time, it was also the fact that they seemed to have some drama going on. She was hoping that they would be smart enough to put that drama aside for now, so they could take the chance together, and get to know her better. Human life is too selfish to put that aside, but hopefully wolves are not the same way. You would think they would be smarter anyways. She glanced at the clock again, sighing when it read five minutes until seven. It was now time to go meet them for dinner, and the funny thing is, she does not even know where the kitchen was. That was never showed to her. 'You would think they would be smart enough to at least point out where it is at.' She thought to herself, walking out of the bedroom. She set out down the hall, hoping she could find the staircase without a problem, since she was sure the kitchen was downstairs.

Five minutes passed, and she had still not found the stairs. She was starting to get aggravated. She spotted someone walking and stopped them before they got to far from her.

"Hey! Hey!" She yelled, getting their attention. The person turned and looked at her, giving a grin. She frowned at that grin. For some reason she felt like she should not trust that grin. She shook it off and looked at the person once again.

"What's up, did you need help with something?" The person asked. She sighed in relief, finally she would no longer be lost.

"Is there anyway you could point me in the right direction of the kitchen, or show me were its at? I am lost and can't seem to find anything." She stated, crossing her arms over her chest once again. The person grinned, and started walking again, in the other direction that he was originally going.

"Follow me newbie, I will take you to the kitchen." She said, walking in a different way then she was going. Of course, she had went the wrong way. That always had seemed to be her luck. She nodded her head and started walking behind her. For a few moments, it was silent.

"So, when did you join this pack? And what pack did you come from?" She asked. Delta looked at the back of her head, very confused.

"I didn't come from a pack." She said, rubbing her arm with the left arm. He glanced back at her and frowned.

"So, you were a rogue then?" She asked, turning another corner.

"What do you mean by rogue? What is that?" She asked.

"A wolf that doesn't belong to a pack because they were banned from their original pack. They usually don't get let in by another pack unless they prove that they were innocent." She said, glancing back at her, and then looking forward.

"Oh, no I was not banned from another pack. I had been in the custody of hunters for the past sixteen years." She stated once again. The woman stopped walking and looked at her once again. She stopped before she ran right into his back.

"What is your name?" She asked. She sounded shocked and excited at the same time, it made her take a step back from her, to make sure that she was not bounced on.

"Delta." She said once again. The woman froze. Standing there staring at her like he had done seen a ghost. She looked around, trying to figure out if it was her that she was looking at.

"Man, is it nice to meet you." He spoke once again, still staring at her. She raised an eyebrow and let out a small sigh. This was taking longer than she wanted.

"Kitchen, remember? Please?" She asked again, hoping to put her back on course. She nodded, and they started walking again, saying nothing else. She was now enjoying the peace.

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