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The meeting ended roughly thirty minutes ago, and Delta was now headed for her room for a much-needed nap. She was practicing on holding her emotions in so that she could train herself not to show them anymore. She watched the ground while she was walking instead of where she was going and walked right into someone. She let out a loud OOF as her bottom hit the ground, and her hands kept her from going backwards. "Ouch." She let out, moving a hand to rub her butt as she looked up to see who she had ran into. Alaric stood in front of her, looking down and smiling at her. He bent down a little, reaching his hand out to try and help her up.

"Are you okay?" He asked. He kept his hand out reached to her, waiting for her to take it. She smiled, putting her hand into his, immediately feeling the tingles.

"Yeah, I am okay. My butt is probably going to have a bruise on it, but I am okay." She spoke, laughing just a little. He laughed with her, and they stared at each other for a moment. Delta wrapped her arms around him, giving him a hug and laying her head on his chest. He rapped his arms around her as well, resting his chin on the top of her head. She is shorter than him, lets face it. She turned her head a little so she could look up at him, causing him to have to move his chin.

"I really want to go lay down; will you go with me?" She asked him. He nodded his head yes at her and followed her as she walked the rest of the way to her room. She closed the door behind him, and walked over to her bed, sitting down. He followed suit but laid back on the pillows. She laid down beside him, putting her head on his chest, and rubbing circles with her fingers.

"So, do you want to catch me up on things? How did the meeting go? Who oversees the pack now?" He asked, curiously, twirling her strands of hair in his fingers. She sighed when she heard him asking those questions. Of course, that would be the first questions that he asked.

"Well, I am leading the pack now. It went okay. We are going to extend our training time and add some more guards and warriors to defense that way another attack does not harm any innocent people this time. My little sister, however, is not too happy that I am in charge instead of her. She said something about wanting to be the leader so that she can make some changes. Now she can't though." Delta spoke, shrugging her shoulders and sighing. That was nothing but a headache for her and she did not want to have to keep dealing with it.

"That sounds a little off to me, but I have an idea for that. You may not like it, but it will help with the situation." He stated, still twirling her hand in her hair. She glanced up at him before concentrating back on his chest.

"What's that?" She asked.

"Well, you could always get her to tell you what she wanted to change so that you can look into it. That way if she tells you, then maybe you will know what is going on with her head." He whispered, voice full of truth. She stopped moving her fingers so she could think and replay what he just said. He was right though, that is a good idea. It would tell her exactly what her sister was thinking or whatever she was planning. She felt like it had something to do with the hunters, but she did not want to make an accusation without proof or hearing her say it for herself.

"That is actually a really good idea. I am going to give that a shot. I will talk to her tomorrow because right now we are spending time together that we do not get much of because of our positions. And now that I am also in that position, we will not be getting much at all for a while." She whispered, looking up at him. He was now glancing down at her smiling. Before anything else could be said, he put two fingers under chin, lifting her head so that she was looking up at him completely. She stared into his eyes, getting lost in his trance. She did not want to move from this spot and just stay here like this until they no longer could. Slowly, he bent his head down towards hers, until their lips were inches apart from each other. She glanced at his lips, then back to his eyes, him doing the same thing as she did. She could feel her breathing starting to pick up from how close he was to her. She could feel the hear rising to her face, as she began to blush. This would be the first time they have kissed if he plans to do it. She could feel his hands moving across her back and lower stomach, caressing, and rubbing, making her skin jump with every touch and move. She took one last glance at his lips as he closed the space between them. She sucked in a deep breath, returning the kiss. Five minutes into it, he rolled them over so that he was not on top of her. He held his self-up with one hand, and the other holding her hip. He pushed his hand under her, pulling her up closer to him, deepening the kiss in the process. She gasped at the sudden movement of being close to him once again. He took advantage of her gasp, rubbing his tongue against her bottom lip, begging for entrance. She obliged. Gathering her thought process together, she shot her eyes open, and pushed her hands against his chest, trying to push him away. Alaric stopped what he was doing, laying her back down on the bed, looking at her.

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