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The plane finally landed, causing all of them to wake up. Delta sighed, stretching her arms above her head, and letting out a loud yawn, causing everyone to look at her. She looked back at them, raising her eyebrows in confusion. Liliana smiled at her, crossing her arms over her shoulder. "You are just like your father. He yawns just as loudly and stretches the same way when he wakes up in the morning." She said, still smiling at her. Delta sat down again, also smiling.

"Really? How much am I like him?" She asked. She was curious since her mother said something about it.

"Yes really. Honestly, you look more like him then you do me. That's a good thing though." She said, moving to sit next to her.

"Well, I can't wait to meet him and get to know you guys better." Delta whispered. She never thought she would be saying that, but she did, and she knew it had to happen one day.

"Well not just us, but you have a brother out there that we are looking for, and another sibling at home that wants to get to know you." She said, looking at her with sadness in her eyes.

"That's awesome, and maybe soon we will be able to find my older brother so I can get to know him as well." She spoke. Liliana just nodded at her, as the pilot spoke over the intercom, letting them know the plane has landed, and they were good to start unloading now. Delta let out a small breath she had been holding. She never really liked planes but did not think about it as she was trying to get away from the hunters. Going to sleep, also helped her through the plane ride with no problems.

The unloaded the plane, seeing two black SUVS sitting in the parking lot in front of them. Delta looked at Liliana, waiting for an explanation. She looked around at all of them and smiled one of the biggest smiles that she could.

"John was expecting us to come back today, so he had some drivers waiting on us." She spoke, picking up her bag to walk to the car.

They all picked their bags up with her. "Good, at least we don't have to do no more walking. That's a positive.' Susan responded, walking forward.

They all nodded their heads in agreement, following Susan to the vehicles. They put their bags in the trunk and climbed into the cars. The drivers smiled at them, and put the cars in drive, to get them out of there. 'Thank god.' Delta thought to herself, as she got comfortable in her seat and laid her head back against the headrest. She wanted to badly to go to sleep right now, but she was too anxious to even try to. What would her father think of her? What would the 'pack' think of her? Would she make any friends? The nerves of these questions is hitting her hard, and she was not sure on how to handle them. All she knew was she was fixing to enter a whole world she never even knew about until Carlos came along.

They pulled into a driveway were a mansion looking house was sitting with a fountain in the middle of the driveway. She gasped as they approached and got a better view of it. Susan let out a small laugh and smiled over at Delta.

"It is beautiful isn't it?" She asked, placing her hand on her shoulder, letting her know she was there.

Delta looked at her and smiled, then looked back at the house. "It is so big. Why?" She asked.

"This is the pack house. This is where the pack members are most of the time, besides the few small homes they have spaced out on the territory for older wolves who no longer participate much." She said, unbuckling her seatbelt as the cars came to a stop. They both climbed out of the car, stepping to side to let the other car pull in with the others. Carlos and Susan hopped out, looking directly at Delta. They were waiting on her to say something, that was obvious. She shrugged at them and gave them a small smile. "What?" She asked. They smiled at her once again.

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