Chapter Nine

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Sup my dudes, I live. There will be a whole rant in the end note about why I was gone and where I'm going from here, but for now just enjoy the chapter

[This chapter has a few separate events taking place. If you are in any way in a state where reading a segment about dissociation could cause you to dissociate, please skip the first two parts, or come back to the chapter later. The first part was written when I was dissociating myself and the character's thoughts and actions heavily relay that.]

Virgil jolted up from the bed, hyperventilating as the memories of his nightmare swirled around his head. He sobbed when something (someone?) moved to his right, freezing in terror as he clenched his eyes shut. "Hey," a voice spoke up said (loudly, so loudly). The next time the voice spoke, it was softer, "It's okay, Virgil, you're okay," Virgil whimpered a little, unable to see who was speaking. "Oh!" The voice exclaimed, "It's me, Virgil, it's Patton. You're safe." Patton? Who was Patton? The name sounded familiar but not really. Everything felt fuzzy or, no, what was the word? Fl... fluffy! It felt fluffy. Virgil was so confused. What was happening. "Can you open your eyes for me, sweetheart?" The voice, (Patton?) asked. Wait, his eyes? Oh, yeah, his eyes were closed. He should open them.

Virgil tried, he really did, but it was so bright he just had to close them again. After a few moments, a voice spoke up again, but this time sounding deeper, "Try again now." Virgil listened because— well, maybe he didn't really know why, he just liked the sound of the voice. It was nice. Virgil opened his eyes. It was less bright which was good. He still didn't know what was happening.

"Virgil?" Someone asked (the prince— a prince— princely, princey, princey, princey—) "Are you...okay." Virgil. He was Virgil. Virgil nodded at the prince, heading feeling heavy.

"'M dreaming." Virgil stated, words slurring together a bit. The three men (Princey, Patton, and.... Leah? No. Landon? Lo something. Logic? Logic sounded right. Kinda. Everything still felt fluffy) seemed surprised, looking at each other.

"And why would you say that, Virgil?" Logic asked, pushing his glasses up. Virgil shrugged. He was tired. He wanted a hug. Turning his head a little, Virgil saw Patton sitting next to him on the bed. Virgil leaned towards him, losing his balance half way through and falling onto the bed, head in Patton's lap.

"Oh!" Patton exclaimed, surprised, "Can I help you, kiddo?" Virgil nodded into Patton's leg. "Uh, what can I do for you!" Patton asked, voice high. Even though Patton was kinda short. That was funny. Virgil snorted, laughing a little. Why was it funny? Virgil couldn't remember. He wanted a hug.

Patton has asked what he wanted. "Cuddles." Virgil told Patton.

"Oh!" Patton exclaimed again, "Are you sure kiddo?" Virgil nodded. If he didn't get a hug soon he was gonna cry. "Okay, imma lift you up a little bit, Virge, is that okay?" Virgil wanted a hug. Where were his dads? He wanted to ask but talking was too much work. Virgil was tired. He wanted to sleep. Suddenly Virgil was being moved. How? Was he floating? Virgil realized Patton's hands were pulling him up, so Virgil's head was on his shoulder. Virgil sighed happily, relaxing into Patton's hold.

"Virgil?" Patton asked, starting to run his fingers through Virgil's hair. Virgil hummed, tired and confused. "Do you want Roman and Logan to cuddle too? Or do you not want them to touch you?" Virgil turned to look at Patton, words swimming around in his head, but not able to come out. "Um," Patton said, thinking for a moment before lighting up, "Do you want Roman and Logan to cuddle with us," he held up one hand, wiggling the fingers. Virgil giggled almost silently. "Or do you not want them to touch you?" Patton held up his other hand. Virgil looked between the two before settling on the first option. "Cuddle with us?" Patton asked, double checking. Virgil nodded.

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