Chapter Two

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Virgil glared at the dress in disgust. It wasn't that he was against wearing dresses, but Damien had chosen the dress; the dress was tight, revealing, and, despite the long length, had a large slit down one of the sides, too long for Virgil to feel comfortable in. At least it was black. Virgil could handle black.
Wrinkling his nose, Virgil sighed and began to pull the dress on. It was only the first day of the ball and he was already ready for it to be done.

    When Virgil walked into the room where the King would be escorted to the ball from, he nearly gagged at the intense smell of magic coming from Damien. It was strong, wafting across the room from the King. As Virgil walked closer, he could distinctly make out the smell of burning rubber, along with something chemical.
    "Songbird," Damien drawled, Remus snoring on his shoulder. Virgil stood silently before the King, eyes down, "I expect your best behavior tonight Virgil. I do not want to be disappointed. Is that understood?"
Virgil gulped, nodding, "Yes,"
Damien raised an eyebrow, unimpressed, "Yes..."
"Yes, my king." 


Virgil stood in between Damien's and Remus's thrones, tired and uncomfortable. There was still a long line of guests to be greeted and it would be another half an hour before it was time for him to sing. So he stood, head down, obediently waiting.
Virgil was jolted from his thoughts by Remus screeching and jumping up from his seat, "Roman!" Remus shouted. Virgil's head shot up, locking eyes with Prince Roman, who Remus had thrown his arms around in a strangling hug. Before Virgil could blink, Remus was grabbing Damien's arm and pulling him up, "Dee! Look!" He exclaimed. Damien simply adjusted his gloves, face impassive as ever.
"Yes," Damien uttered, "Your... cousin, was it?"
Remus nodded excitedly as Roman said, "Third cousins actually," He never took his eyes off of Virgil, seemingly having put the pieces together. He really needed to stop looking at Virgil because Damien was getting suspicious and that was never good. Apparently, it was too late, because Damien was looking between the two of them with a raised eyebrow. Virgil gulped as Damien smirked.
"He's beautiful, isn't he?" Damien said, resting a hand on Virgil's lower back as he looked at Roman. Roman's eyes snapped to the king and he smiled that dazzling smile of his.
"Yes," He said (was it Virgil or did Roman look slightly uncomfortable?), "And he's got a lovely voice... or, so I hear," Virgil resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "Nice save, Princey," he thought.
"Yes," Damien drawled, eyes narrowed. They stared at each other for a few moments before Damien began to smirk again, "And who are these two?" He asked, nodding at the men standing behind Roman.
After being addressed, the taller one straightened up, adjusting his glasses, "My name is Logan. I am Prince Roman's advisor," the other person elbowed Logan, and he sighed, "and one of his partners," Remus raised an eyebrow but didn't comment.
"Oh! And I'm Patton! I'm a baker in our castle! And I'm Roman's other partner!" Patton, jittering with excitement, stuck out his hand to Remus. Remus, surprised, blinked before sticking his own hand out, letting Patton shake it excitedly. He then moved on to Damien, before moving before Virgil. Virgil jolted back when Patton extended his hand, not expecting it. Patton looked disheartened but didn't move his hand. Virgil looked to Damien for instruction, eyes pleading; no one had ever offered Virgil their hand to shake. Most often, people would take Virgil's hand and kiss it, not giving him a choice. Others ignored him. This was new and Virgil didn't like it.
"Well, Songbird?" Damien said, "Don't keep our guest waiting," Virgil scrambled to grab Patton's hand, griping it awkwardly.
"It's nice to meet you, kiddo!" Patton said, smiling. Virgil blinked, "Kiddo?" He thought.
"Um, yeah, you too," He stuttered. It was quiet for a moment before the song changed and Patton's face brightened.
"I love this song!" He exclaimed, turning to his partners, "Shall we go dance?" He asked, grabbing his partners' hands and turning to the dance floor.
"We'll see you later?" Roman asked Remus, eyes darting to Virgil's once more.
"Of course!" Remus exclaimed, seemingly excited. But Virgil knew better. Virgil could recognize the small shake in his voice, the way his hands were curled into fists, his rapidly twitching eyes. Remus was mad. And Virgil was terrified.
The next hours blurred with the first. The faces were all the same as Virgil continued to greet various visiting royals. He could only focus on the overwhelming sense of panic that continued to engulf him. It had been a while since Virgil had seen Remus so angry. He shuddered as he recalled the aftermath of Remus's last 'bad mood'.
Virgil flinched as Damien stood up, moving to address the crowd, "Good evening!" He spoke, voice booming across the ballroom, "I am so excited to see everyone here for this very special occasion. As you know, my precious Songbird is turning eighteen," There was some murmuring in the crowd as eyes turned towards Virgil, "I can think of no better way to start his birthday ball than for him to sing," Applause broke out as Virgil stepped down the stairs heading towards the small stage on the other side of the room. Virgil took a breath. This was going to be a long night. hi? I know I said I wasn't gonna really be uploading on here anymore, but I recently got back into Wattpad so... surprise? Um, hope you enjoyed and all that. Let me know about any typos or anything too. Thanks for sticking around, it really means a lot to me! -AJ

(Also, I do have plans to add moments of sympathetic Remus/Deceit, and also the information we learned from the newest video so... watch for that)

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