Chapter Six

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Hehe, hello there. Please enjoy!

Virgil jolted when someone knocked on the door. Everything felt fuzzy and he had been on the verge of sleep before the sudden noise had distracted him. Virgil, still dazed and too tired to move, made no move to answer the knock. A voice on the other side of the door said something but it all sounded muddled to Virgil. Suddenly, the door was opening and a man stepped into the room, holding a container of something in his hands. After shutting the door, the man looked over to Virgil, smiling kindly. Virgil starred ahead, attempting to figure out who this man was and what he could possibly want but his mind was too blurry to try and think.
"Hey honey," the man said as he sat down at the mattress next to Virgil's feet, resting the container next to him. Virgil just blinked in confusion, frantically attempting to discover his identity. After a few moments of this, Patton's face softened, "I'm Patton, honey. I was with you this morning. Does that sound familiar at all, sweetie?" 
Virgil closed his eyes, trying to think. After a few unsuccessful seconds of this, he opened his eyes once more, wincing at the light. Looking back to Patton, he frowned, muttering, "fuzzy..." blinking slowly. Patton frowned slightly, slowly standing up and moving to the water pitcher at the edge of the room.
After pouring some water, and opening the container, he moved to Virgil's side, "Can I help you sit up, sweetheart?" He asked, hands hovering. Virgil hummed quietly, before nodding his head tiredly. Slowly working to pull Virgil up, Patton hummed under his breath, attempting to soothe the other boy who appeared to be in pain. "There we go," he murmured once Virgil was sitting up, "Here, I've got some water and fruit for you, and also some cookies, but we should probably start with the healthy stuff," Patton said, giggling.
Virgil just nodded in response, reaching for the water once it was offered to him. Patton could tell the boy was probably dehydrated, and wasn't surprised when Virgil attempted to chug the entire glass. After making Virgil slowly drink the entire glass of water, Patton helped him eat the small pieces of fruit he had brought. Virgil quickly drifted off to sleep afterwords, but not before motioning for Patton to come closer and endearing him in a hug. Patton had to conceal his happy squeals when he realized Virgil had fallen asleep on his chest.

Eventually, Virgil seemed to regain awareness, murmuring Patton's name as Patton carded his fingers through Virgil's hair. "Yes honey?" Patton asked in response.
Virgil groaned, opening his eyes, attempting to blink away the blurriness, "What—" he started, attempting to move around. He quickly realized however, he was basically in Patton's lap, and quickly moved so he was next Patton instead of on top of him. After settling he looked over to Patton, who was smiling.
"Hi there V," Patton said happily, "I lost you for a bit," despite the sadness of his tone, a smile remained on Patton's face.
"Why are you 'ere?" Virgil slurred, still attempting to wake up.
Patton's smile dropped for a moment, but he quickly moved to bring it back, "I promised I would come back honey, remember?" Now that he thought about it, he vaguely remembered Patton helping him after his breakdown, promising he would come back soon. Virgil just groaned in response, attempting to nod through his headache. "Oh!" Patton exclaimed, "Silly me, how could I forget?" He moved to take something out of a small bag that had previously gone unnoticed by Virgil, quickly pulling a small, (pill bottle shape??) container out of it. "Here you go honey!" He said, having opened the small container and extracted two small pills from it. He presented the two pills, along with a cup of water, to Virgil.
Virgil swallowed, wrapping his arms around his waist, "Wha-what are those?" He asked shakily, trembling a bit.
Patton felt his heart break, and he let his emotions flash across his face for a moment before putting a mask of happiness back on, "they're just medication to make your pain go away, V. I promise they aren't anything bad. You don't have to take them if you don't want to, it's completely up to you." Patton stated, putting as much truth into his words as possible, trying to show Virgil that he wasn't a threat. Patton was surprised when Virgil quickly grabbed both the pills and the water and held them to his chest protectively. Despite how much it hurt to think about the implications behind Virgil's actions, Patton didnt let it show and continued on, "I've also got some cookies for us!" He said grabbing a random cookie and taking a bite of it to show that it was safe to do so.
Trying to ease Virgil into a conversation, Patton began rambling about a cute cat he had seen wandering the castle gardens, and how, when Roman attempted to cuddle it, it had bitten his nose and ran away. Virgil snorted, placing a hand over his mouth to keep his laughter in when Patton finished, the other boy smiling brightly at Virgil's action. After sharing a different story of Roman and Logan bickering, which, this time, ended with them both dripping wet in their clothes, Patton took a deep breath.
"Can we talk about something serious for a second sweetheart?" Patton asked, watching Virgil's expression closely. Virgil became visibly defensive, curling up once more and stopping eating the cookie he had been previously nibbling on. "Hey, no, it's okay," Patton said, trying to reassure Virgil. "I just wanna help."
"I'm not useless. I don't need your pity." Virgil growled, not meeting Patton's eye.
Patton's eyes widened in disbelief, "Oh honey that's not at all how I was trying to make you feel! I'm so sorry if it came across like that! I just wanna help you kiddo! You're my friend."
Virgil's eyes darted to Patton's at the end of Patton's speech, eyes wide and startled, "Your friend?" He choked out, voice rough.
Patton smiled softly, naturally, and looked at Virgil. "Of course, V, you're my friend and I wanna help you. I—"
"Virgil—" the other boy interrupted quickly, "my name is Virgil." Patton blinked in surprise, but gave Virgil a reassuring look.
"Virgil is a lovely name, honey. It reminds me of—" suddenly Patton stopped, and Virgil could nearly see the gears turning in Patton's head as he anxiously waited for Patton to continue. "You're," Patton started, inhaling quickly, "You're Prince Virgil." He breathed out, looking astounded. "But that, that can't be possible. The Royal Family was slaughtered when the—"
"Slaughtered?" Virgil nearly yelled, wrapping his arms around himself when Patton turned, "Who said we were slaughtered? We're all here!"
Patton's eyes widened even more, looking at Virgil, "The Kings are still alive?" He whispered, in shock.
Virgil shut his mouth quickly, not looking at Patton. "Fuck" he thought, "He wasn't supposed to know you idiot." Virgil was shocked out of his panic when Patton grabbed his hand, squeezing softly.
"Hey, it's okay, breathe Virgil," Virgil floundered, gasping in a breath as he tried not to panic. "That's it," Patton reassured.
"He didn't kill them," Virgil said once he had calmed down, "Or, um, me, obviously." Virgil said, smirking a little, "He did, uh, he did lock them away. They... they were in the dungeon for a while but uh, I eventually convinced him to move them into a little apartment and uh, yeah." Virgil finished halfheartedly.
"I'm confused," Patton said, furrowing his eyebrows, "Why didn't he..." Patton trailed off, too uncomfortable to continue.
"Kill us?" Virgil finished, giving Patton a half smile. Ignoring the noise Patton made at Virgil being so blatant about the subject, Virgil continued, "He's threatened to. Kill them, I mean. But he won't. He knows that if they're dead, I'll stop singing."
Patton gripped Virgil's hand harder as he thought over it, "Kiddo," he said, clearing his throat when his voice had cracked midway through the word, "Can I give you a hug?"
Virgil, a little bit startled by the question, just blinked. "Um," he drawled, "Sure?" It was only a moment before Patton had traveled the small distance between them, holding Virgil to his chest and carding his fingers through the other boy's hair. Virgil swallowed hard, trying to ignore the lump in his throat and the unshed tears in his eye.
As Patton held Virgil close, he placed his head on top of the smaller boy's own head, whispering, "It's okay honey, let it out," Despite his embarrassment over the last time he had cried in front of Patton, Virgil couldn't help but let a few tears out. When Patton carefully kissed the top of his head, Virgil lost his control, sobbing into Patton's shirt. Patton held him the entire time, rocking him and whispering quiet reassurances into his hair. When Virgil had finally tired himself out, once again laying limply against Patton fast asleep, Patton let out tears of his own, silently crying as he thought about everything Virgil had been through. "We'll get you out of here," Patton said to the empty room, "I promise."

I hate formatting in wattpad.... so much. In case you ever wonder why it seems so inconsistent lol. Thanks so much for reading and being patient, I really appreciate it.

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