Chapter Seven

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Here you go! Enjoy! {Everything is not as it seems}

Virgil hummed as he rocked on his heels, glancing around the room to see if there was anything left to clean before Patton arrived. Quickly moving to adjust the pillows on the bed Virgil nodded, satisfied with his cleaning job. Virgil perked up when he heard a knock on the door, Patton sticking his head into the room a moment to later.

"Hey kiddo!" He greeted happily, making his way towards Virgil after closing the door. It was then that Virgil noticed he was without food for the first time since they began meeting.

"No food, huh?" Virgil said and Patton shrugged, grin growing.

"Well," he chuckled, "Don't want you getting to chubby now, do we?" Virgil's smile fell a little but he quickly laughed with Patton, ignoring the sting of his words. "Besides," Patton started, "I've got a better idea for tonight."

"Oh?" Virgil said, feeling his anxiety build up, "and what's that?" Patton just smiled before grabbing Virgil's hand. Patton then pulled him towards the bed, pushing Virgil down onto it before moving into his lap and kissing him. Virgil startled, pulling his head back from Patton's, blocking his face when Patton attempted to follow him. "Wait!" Virgil protested breathlessly, "You— you said-"

Patton blew a raspberry, rolling his eyes. His hands moved to grab Virgil's shoulders tightly, "I know what I said but I changed my mind! I really like you, Virgie. Don't you like me too? Don't you want to do this for me? I promise it'll be fun!" Virgil had stopped breathing, only resuming when Patton said, "Well?" One eyebrow raised.

"I— okay," Virgil stammered, gasping when Patton kissed him once more, almost immediately shoving his tongue into Virgil's mouth, deepening the kiss. Virgil tried not to gag.

Patton undid the clasp of Virgil's cloak, pushing it off his shoulders. Virgil didn't react, trying to focus on the kiss (which was so invasive Virgil wanted to cry) instead. Patton quickly pulled off both of their shirts and Virgil could feel himself becoming more distant.

"Tell me Virgie," Patton panted, using his nails to scratch down Virgil's chest, "Have you ever played with fire before?"


Patton hummed as he skipped down the hallway, clutching a container of oatmeal raisin cookies to his chest. They were Virgil's favorite! Sure, it was a bit of an odd choice, but Patton was happy to oblige. Even if the thought of oatmeal raisin cookies being someone's favourite sent Roman into a stuttering mess, offended by the choice.

When he reached Virgil's door, Patton knocked, patiently waiting for Virgil to respond. After a few moments had gone by and he had received no answer, Patton knocked again, louder this time, hoping Virgil just hadn't heard him the first time. Still without an answer, Patton knocked once more before announcing that he was going inside.

Patton gasped at the sight before him, dropping the container of cookies in shock. Virgil was curled up in his bed, the sheets pulled up to his neck. He was trembling under the sheets, and tears streamed down his face as he sobbed quietly, shoulders up to his ears.

"Oh, honey," Patton murmured, slowly making his way towards the boy. "Virgil?" He said quietly when he was close enough, kneeling down next to the bed.

Virgil flinched upon hearing his name, curling up even more. "No," he began muttering, avoiding Patton's eyes, "No, no more, please no more."

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