Chapter Eight

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Oh my god this chapter kicked my butt. Enjoy the 1,830 words of pure struggle.


"He... he thinks I did what?" Patton cried out, hugging everything he had just acquired from their room to his chest. "But I— why- did, do you think— is he okay?" Patton finally stammered our, tears streaming down his face as he stared at Logan.

Logan sighed, adjusting his glasses, "I.. I do not believe so. Somebody has obviously ...assaulted him terribly and he has been led to believe that it is someone he considers a friend. It seems obvious that his life is not one consisting of safety or consent so it is very possible the deep physiological trauma he seems to suffer from has caused him to project you onto his abuser or attacker, in hopes that it will hurt less if done by you, someone who has shown him care and comfort,"

"Oh," Patton breathes out, tearing up once more, "That's— that's so terrible Lo, you— you really think—" Logan cut Patton off by holding his hand up, moving it to squeeze Patton's shoulder once he had stopped.

"Unfortunately, I was not finished." Patton just nodded, swallowing hard. "There is also the possibility his attacker noticed your recent connection, and led Virgil to believe they were actually you. I... I am also worried that there was magic involved... dark magic."

"You could smell it too?" Patton said, eyes wide.

Logan deflated a little, "Yes and, as I suspected, you seemed to have noticed it also, leading me to believe that this was not Virgil's mind, using your image as a coping mechanism but rather, someone involved with dark magic. I still wonder who would be so— so jealous of your relationship that they use magic to ruin that. Not to mention, who has access to that kind of magic here?"

"Um," Patton started, eyes wide, "I... I think I know but, V didn't want me to tell anyone..." Patton frowned, not meeting Logan's eyes.

"Patton," Logan said, slightly exasperated: curse Patton's bleeding heart, even now, he was attempting to help Virgil. "I understand that you do not want to break his trust, but we need to get to the bottom of this before he begins to feel worse." Patton still looked hesitant, not looking Logan in the eyes. Logan sighed, running his hand down his face, "Would it make you feel better if you were to ask Virgil?"

Patton perked up a little, nodding, "Sounds great, Logie!" He chirped, walking towards the door.

"Patton," Logan said, Patton turning to face him when he heard the serious tone Logan had used, "Be careful. He's..." Logan trailed off, struggling to find the right word.

Patton's smile turned sad as he looked into Logan's eyes, "I know." He said somberly.


"So," Roman started, the silence after Logan had left the room deafening, "You come here often?" he asked lightly, raising his eyebrow dramatically. Virgil stared at him silently, blinking. "Oh come on!" Roman said, "Nothing?" Virgil raised his eyebrows as he tilted his head slightly, almost looking amused. Roman narrowed his eyes as he looked at Virgil, "Oh come on Hot Topic, give me something!"

"Aw," Virgil said, voice quiet and gravely, "You think I'm hot."

Roman spluttered, having not expected to lose in his own game, "How rude!" He lamented, placing the back of his hand against his forehead as he softly fell back on the bed, making his actions as over-dramatic as possible in an effort to let Virgil know he wasn't being serious.

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