Chapter Eleven

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TW/CW: Please check the A/N note for more details.

*Sigh* okay so, it's a chapter. It ain't completely what I wanted but here we are.

"How could you?" Roman screamed, holding back tears, "We trusted you and you go behind our backs and do this!" Logan was staring at Virgil, studying him. Patton was very clearly trying not to cry. Virgil wanted to die.

"He was going to kill you!" Virgil hissed, chest heaving with anger and anxiety.

Roman looked affronted, stepping towards Virgil, pointing his finger at the other's chest, "So you decided to let us sign away our freedom without consulting us?" Roman shoved Virgil, "You couldn't have let us help you?"

"He was watching," Virgil whispered aggressively, "He would have killed you anyway!"

"Yeah well, maybe we would have preferred that." Roman spat. Virgil looked up, shocked. He watched Roman's face as he waited for Logan or Patton to speak up, to get involved, anything. The room remained silent.

Virgil let out a breathy laugh, stepping away from Roman, "I'm sorry your freedom was taken away, I have no idea how fucking hard that must be." Patton's face morphed into something uncomfortable, but he didn't move. "He won't be able to touch you," Virgil laughed wetly, "I'll make sure of that," Virgil didn't let himself look back as he stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.


"Virgil." Damien purred, gesturing to his office. Virgil growled angrily under his breath, turning to follow the King. Damien smiled, the smile that Virgil had learned meant, "You are going to hate this and I love that,"

Virgil dropped into a chair, draping his legs over one arm, "God, what do you want?" he snapped after a few seconds of silence.

Damien raised an eyebrow, but still appeared amused, "Oh, Virgil," He said, voice sweet, "It's not about what I want, it's about what you want,"

Virgil sighed loudly, rolling his eyes, "Not helpful," he muttered, sighing again when Damien didn't respond, "I am not in the mood for one of your fucking word puzzles so can you just say what you mean?"

Damien sat a little straighter after that, smile becoming tighter, "Very well, Songbird," he began, "I did promise that you would no longer be alone, didn't I?" Virgil stared, raising an eyebrow, "Well," The King smirked, "I do not break my promises, so I have decided your living quarters shall be moved to your acquaintance's room,"

Virgil's eyes snapped from the ceiling to the King, pushing himself up, "You motherfucker!" He screamed, "You're insane," Damien only raised an eyebrow at the accusation. Virgil curled his hands into fists as his breathing became ragged, "I will fucking kill you and then myself," Virgil hissed, voice low. The King blinked, surprised, watching as Virgil's eye twitched, his hands shaking.

"Was that a threat, Virgil?" The King asked, tone shifting.

The words seemed to snap Virgil out of whatever trance he had been in. He looked up at Damien, and took a step back, "No, your majesty," he said softly.

The King smirked, "Well it sounded like one to me. I believe I will have to lock you away until further notice, for my safety," Virgil's face crumpled, body quickly following as he dropped back into the chair. "Guards!" Damien called, listening as the clanging out metal grew louder, "Please escort my Songbird into his new room," Virgil didn't pay attention as he was dragged to the room whose direction he knew by heart.


Virgil knew Patton, Logan, and Roman were looking at him, glaring, really, as he was thrust into the entrance of their room. Virgil didn't blame them. Virgil had managed to ruin the one good thing he had made for himself. His friendship with the three had been beautiful, and precious, and real and Virgil had destroyed it. Virgil turned rapidly, attempting to get out the door before the guards closed it, but to no avail, "You can't do this, assholes!" he called. The air remained silent. Virgil growled, kicking the door hard before turning to face the three.

"What are you doing here?" Roman exclaimed angrily.

"Look," Virgil started, glaring, "I don't want to be here either. But the King decided I get to live with you guys now, so we're fucking stuck." Roman only appeared to grow more upset at the explanation, "If it makes you feel any better," Virgil sighed, "You guys get free reign over me while I'm here," he shrugged, sliding down the door until he was seating against it.

Patton's eyes quickly moved from to ground to scan Virgil's face, "Virgil," he said softly, taking a step forward, "We're still not going to... no, honey," Virgil could hear the pity dripping from Patton's voice.

"Whatever," Virgil hissed quickly, not needing to see more of Patton's sad eyes, "You know where to find me if that changes," Virgil looked away before he could see any of their faces, tilting his head against the door, closing his eyes.


"Come here," Damien commanded, voice soft but authoritative. Virgil looked to see where he was pointing, legs moving before his brain could comprehend what was happening. Virgil didn't even hesitate to seat himself next to the King. "Good job," Damien praised lowly, and suddenly there was a hand in Virgil's hair, gently scratching at his scalp. Virgil's breath hitched at how nice it felt to be treated so softly. "You want more, darling?" Damien asked, voice silky as he continued to pet Virgil's hair. Virgil let out a silent sob at the pet name, nodding as he pressed against the hand still tangled in his hair. "Excellent," the King muttered, "Now, tell me what you need, my darling,"

"I just, I just-" Virgil sobbed, curling more into Damien's lap, "I just need it to stop. Please, please."

Damien tutted, stopping his hand's movement, "Stop what, exactly, Songbird?" He questioned, sounding amused.

Virgil's breath hitched, "Everything," he murmured, "All of it. You win just please stop... it hurts," Virgil broke, choking on sobs, "I'll do anything," he cried, weeping when Damien place a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Poor thing," The King muttered, stroking Virgil's hair sweetly. Virgil sobbed, nuzzling the side of Damien's neck, "You must be so lonely," he drawled, one hand moving to trace patterns on Virgil's back, "What you would do to never be so alone again,"

Virgil inhaled quickly, pulling his face from Damien's neck to look at his face, "You can do that?" he asked, face skeptical.

"Why, Songbird," Damien smirked, "Of course I can. How would you like to stay with Logan, Patton, and Roman... forever?"

"Please," Virgil gasped, face determined, "Just tell me what I need to do?"

Damien smiled. 

Thanks for being patient with updates. These past 2 weeks have, in fact, been a living hell for me and I am on the verge of a large mental breakdown : D
Love y'all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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