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The next day was the same as yesterday, working on the project with Hitoshi for the first class and the rest continued with lessons and work that no one wanted to do of course. It went by a little slow, since I knew it all obviously, until lunch came by. Kids sighed in relief as they packed up and rushed off to lunch for what they claimed was a well deserved break from this 'torture' and eat.

I didn't view it exactly like that but lunch was always a nice time, sitting with Kendou then having Tetsu coming along too now since he got sucked into our little friend group. He's alright but he has quite the energy.

This particular lunch was just Kendou and Tetsu talking, laughing and doing typical friend type conversations. I'm pretty sure they made like three inside jokes already.

Hitoshi was sitting by himself at his usual table, eating at the rate of a turtle and sluggish. He looked like he could fall asleep just like that, his head propped up in his hand while he held the fork in the other. He had terrible posture, which normally bothered me, yet I couldn't take my eyes off the tired male.

Finally, I stood up and picked my tray up. "I'll join you guys later." I said and they nodded, though they clearly weren't too interested. I know Kendou's eyes followed me for a bit since I liked to go off and boast every now and then. But I didn't. I sat down in front of Hitoshi, who immediately propped himself up a bit better but the only thing that didn't change was his slouch.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

"I don't mind, make yourself at home."

He answered, his voice as soothing as always. He resumed eating but it appeared more normal, not as sluggish anymore. It made me chuckle and I went back to my own lunch. We didn't talk much but the silence was comfortable, nothing tense. Hitoshi himself was quiet, unlike me sometimes, but it just made his aura all the more better to be in.

His aura was quiet, comforting. Kind of like a lavender himself. That lovely smell that lured you into a sleepy, calming state that seemed to protect your dreams. Sleeping through a night peacefully to wake up to another sunrise. That was my view on his aura. Though I'm sure there were many more ways you could interpret it. Many more.

I finished up my lunch and set it aside neatly, letting out a relaxed sigh before I heard Hitoshi speak up.

"What made you come join me? Not that it's a bad thing."

He asked without looking up from his half eaten food. What a slow eater.

But I found myself repeating the question. People must not like sitting with him. It must be why he wanted to know. He honestly didn't know what it was that truly brought him over. I wished I could answer, jokingly, that a string decided to pull me over to join him. That was silly though so I soon dropped the thought.

"I've been thinking about it for a bit. You just looked lonely and you wouldn't be if I came over and talked to you. That and I became a third wheel to my friends."

I said with a chuckle, earning a chuckle out of Hitoshi too.

I glance behind me half expecting to catch Kendou and Tetsu kissing but they weren't. They may as well with the way they were talking and laughing at like any word the other said. I definitely had ideas for teasing them later.

"Well, I appreciate you coming over. Honestly I thought you'd try to get half the project done so you had time to talk for the rest of class this week."

He teased lightly, making me huff and cross my arms.

"Yeah yeah, you'd probably sleep right through classes if we finished early."

I told him with a pout while he just chuckled.

"Honestly I would sleep through class. You get me."

He said as he went back to his lunch. What did this guy's sleep schedule even look like? He had eye bags, which were quite noticeable, but I've wondered how long they've been there and how healthy he really is. He definitely didn't seem like the healthiest. Gave off a messy and laid back vibe, opposite of my own, but I for once didn't feel like scolding someone for not taking care of themselves as good as I could.

The lunch bell went off and he stood with a thoughtful hum.

"Well, guess that's it for today then. I'll see you tomorrow then. Feel free to come by for lunch more, unless you plan to make me do that project when I could nap."

He said with a little grin before turning away and disappearing with the other students getting ready to head to class. I couldn't tell how much of a joke or how serious it was. Either way, I chuckled to myself and grabbed my stuff and threw my trash away.

I went on to keep attending my classes that day and think about Hitoshi, just him. Not the project we had together or anything. Just him. He came to mind a lot and I can't explain why. I welcome it though, even if he was quite different than me.


It was later in the evening. I was out on the roof of the dormitories, my arms resting on the rails as I stared ahead. The sky was starting to get rosy and orange since the sun would be setting soon. It was a nice sight to come up to after a long day of high school. Being a teenager was a tiring thing.

I was lost in thought when I heard a voice behind me and got a little startled. I turned and there he was. His voice low and almost unrecognizable from what I'm used to.

"Hey, Monoma. I need to talk to you for a minute."


Woahhh , I actually got around to writing a chapter! I'm kinda proud of myself and have a small plan aha. Watch me forget it when I try to write the next chap. Hope you guys like it and I'm really trying not to keep you waiting! Virtual school drains the life out of meee

Hope you're well tho! Nice to write for you guys again :))

See you next chapter! Which hopefully won't take months— eheh

- Prim

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