The color I am missing

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Is this world bland? No. Although something is missing for everyone, which is a special color they have revealed to them when they lock eyes with their soulmates.

I don't have a clue at what it could be. No one does... until they meet their soulmate, If that ever even happens.

I don't want to linger on love so I instead chose a route to work hard at and become as successful as I can manage. I'm going to apply for U.A, a very good school Japan has to offer. I hope to make it.

But I have to wait a little while for that. Summer is still in session.

"Monoma! Stop daydreaming against the counter! Help me with the lunch rush!"

I hear Kendo say and bursted my current thoughts. I groaned but I came over to her as I fixed up my hair, wanting to look presentable and nice since that's just me.

Kendo smiles at me and pushed me over towards the kitchen while she headed for the registers.

"What were you thinking about over there?"

I shrugged lightly as I dusted my shoulder off while heading for the kitchen with another random coworker I didn't bother to get to know.


"Again? I know we both want to apply but come on! It's summer! Plus you're at work for goodness sake."

"I know, I know. My thoughts just trail off. Work isn't always the most fun thing."

"Ha ha, so funny Monoma."


Work went by quick after that, just a blur of customers coming in and out with orders to prepare. It was the same every time I came. It was a summer job after all. I only went since it'd look good on my record and for a bit of money before the stress of high school comes.

"Home at last."

I mutter to myself as I went inside my house. I kick my shoes off by the front door before heading up to my room and leaning into my chair. I've been thinking about getting my registration in already but I find myself procrastinating, which I hate to do and try to avoid it. It's a bad habit to have and the start of bad grades. I can't be having that now.

I yawned softly as I grabbed my pencil, sharpened it and started on the form. I didn't have work so I could stay up a bit but not too much to not mess up my sleep schedule.

It was about 10pm as I set the pencil. I wasn't done but I wasn't staying up either over it. It could wait until later on, but not too much later. I sort out plans in my head as I lay down and fall asleep comfortably in my bed.


((A little short but that's fine. Stories always have their short and long chapters. Enjoy!

I made this since I like this ship and can barley find good fan fics for it TwT

See you all next chapter!

Colorblind - a Shinoma story Where stories live. Discover now