First Day, new everything

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Tomorrow was the first day of school. I wasn't nervous at all. I memorized my given schedule I received in the mail, memorized the layout of the school, and the teachers. I didn't know who my classmates were. I hope they're not too idiotic.

I was out in the cafe this evening again with a new book to work on reading. I got my tea and lightly sipped on it with a polite manner, well, that is until he came in. I inhale sharply and choke on it, coughing a little and setting it down. It didn't make a dreadful mess thank god. It was the same bland boy I had seen a week earlier. It surprised me. I watched as he ordered a coffee, going over and leaning onto a counter while he waited. I couldn't catch his face again.

"Hey, you alright?" A waitress asked as she came over to me. I guess she noticed my little incident. I have her a nod.

"Oh yes, I'm alright. The book had an unexpected twist so I accidentally choked." I say, lying. I didn't need to say I was surprised a complete stranger I saw a week ago came in that I recognized.

"Oh alright. Just checking." She says politely before she headed back to work. She handed the cup to the guy and he took a sip, sighing after once he brought it down from his face. He thanked her and headed out. I noticed a schedule in his pocket, noticing it's for UA.

That made me hope he was in my class. I didn't get to see much besides the UA symbol on it. I felt so weird to be drawn to this stranger. I felt a little disgusted in myself, so I went back to reading to get my mind on something else instead.


It was the first day of school. I straightened up my uniform before I left the house to walk to my school. I had eaten breakfast and all the things you do when you wake up. I felt neat and clean. I needed a good first impression, so of course I strived to look my best.

I entered the building once the short walk was done, heading down to the classroom and going in. I smile to see Kendo and went to stand with her. I liked to be early so the class was pretty empty, but soon enough kids were starting to pile in.

The teacher came in and got us all seated. "Alright class, welcome to your first day. Out on the desks is the rule book and I suggest you read that. This school can be strict on punishments based on your teacher. Lucky for you I'm mostly in the middle really. Now today is mostly just introductions to your new classes, your new surroundings, and getting to the know the rules. The first week or so may be boring from this but everyone has to get to know the rules or get a refresh on them if they've already been here. We'll start with introductions and quick things about yourselves." The teacher said as he stood at the front.

One by one, the class introduced themselves by saying their name and a couple things about them. The teacher then just had us start reading on the rule book since there wasn't a lot of time left. The rest of the classes were pretty much the same, students introducing each other after the teacher did before either reading rules or getting a small assignment to start out with. Lunch I just spent with Kendo and another boy, Tetsutetsu. The day was the same after, just introductions and more boring work no one cared for or reading rules.

Once the day was finished, students went to assigned dorms they were given. They were there as a precaution since this area had a bit of a crime reputation. Though this school was great and helped kids. It felt like a mix of high school and college really.

I went into my dorm with a hum, shutting the door behind me and locking it. I set my school things down before unpacking and organizing my room to finish off the evening. I hadn't seen that gray haired, bland boy yet. I hoped I would soon. I wanted to ask why he seemed so bland. I don't know why it concerned me so much. Normally I didn't care about how other's looked once I judged them. He was different. I shake it from my mind and finished unpacking with a yawn. I got dinner and let the night ease down and sleep. The first week of school was the same as the first day.

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