Am I in or am I out?

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It was almost another week that had passed since I had submitted that form to the school. Their school had said if you hadn't gotten an email from them by the end of today, you hadn't made it. School does start in a week and another day after all, so we need time to prepare and all. I decided to check mine at the end of the day, so if I didn't get an email this morning I wouldn't be disappointed only to get acceptance later. That would annoy me.

Honestly I'm trying not to think on it, me and Kendo are just out buying supplies and if we both end up in, then we agreed to go buy uniforms together.

We split up once we were done. I was heading over to a cafe to get some tea and read, one of my favorite things to do when passing the time. Literature is fascinating to me, unlike the others that normally find it boring and complicated.

I sat down by a window and ordered a cup of tea, which they brought to me quickly. The wait was never long. The place didn't have too many customers but had enough to keep business going. I open up my book and began to read, humming at the long pages.

Maybe an hour or two had passed, my mind always focused on the page until I heard the ring, the ring that would come when someone entered. I look up. That's when I noticed the guy.

His features were bland. His attire a little messy but it had a charm oddly, his hair unkept and tangly.. but it was gray. It bothered me. It didn't seem right at all. Someone so young with gray hair like that. It bothered me, something wasn't right. That couldn't be how he looked. I never got to see his face sadly, someone came up and asked if I was alright and If I was ready to pay for the tea I had gotten. By the time I had finished and the waitress left, the boy was gone.

That bothered me.

I never felt like this towards others, just distaste. No, it wasn't distaste I felt to him. I felt like something was actually missing. I wanted to speak with him but he was gone. Oh well.

I gathered my things and got up, thanking them for letting me read there again before leaving. They were used to me coming by for tea while I read or studied. I was known. I liked it that way honestly.

The sun was going down, the sun filling with gorgeous reds, oranges, and blurs of pinks and even small amounts of purple. It was breathtaking. I watched the sky as I walked back home, enjoying the cool breeze that gave me breaks from the warm summer air.

Summer was almost gone.

I opened the door and put everything down neatly, almost like a neat freak. I wouldn't call myself that but I'm close honestly. Once I felt situated, I went into the kitchen to make myself a proper dinner. I ate and did my hygiene before I remember it, the email.

I rush over to my desk and sit, pulling up my emails and looking through. One caught my eye and I clicked on it, reading it.

Thank you for applying to UA.

It is with great joy I share that you've made it into our school. We expect you to do well with an opportunity like this in our school. Your records are clean and very nice for your age.

We hope to see you at our school when summer is done. You'll be in class 1-B. We expect great things from you. Hope you have a great first year with us and more throughout your high school experience.

-Nezu, principal of UA.

I was in shock while I read it, reading it over and over until my head memorized every last word. I was overjoyed. I knew I'd fit in there and be an ace student as always. Such an accomplishment.

I couldn't stop myself and called up Kendo. I couldn't stop smiling, my cheeks were burning.

"Hey Monoma! What's up?"

She asked.

"I made it in! I'm in!"

I say, running my free hand through my blonde and tangle free hair.

"No way! I was checking mine when you called! Oh my god! I made it too!"

"Oh my god!"

"I'm so happy! My class is 1-B!"

"No way! Mine is as well!"

"Yes yes! I'm so happy! I wonder what our class will be like."

"Hopefully some smart kids. I'd be a little annoyed if they weren't."

"No class is perfect, Monoma."

"Yes yes, but there are the perfect ones in there such as myself."

"Oh whatever. You have flaws, you don't admit any. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow. We can get uniforms together!"

"We can. We'll meet up then. I'll see you soon."

"Bye Monoma."

I then hung up, overjoyed. The adrenaline still in my veins. I close the laptop and got ready for bed, laying down and closing my eyes.

My mind wandered to that boy again. It was strange. I usually never thought on strangers after I'd seen them and judged them. I kinda wanted to get a better look at him. I never saw his face. I wanted to ask him about why his hair was so bland.

He was messy but that didn't bother me oddly. It just didn't. I felt like there was something in him missing, that was missing with me as well. It was odd to describe. Parts of me longed to cross paths with him again.

But the chance was way too slim. Maybe in some weird fate we will. We'll see what happens later on.

I went to sleep with a smile on my face, excited for what this new school, new class, and new school year would bring me.

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