A comfession to behold

366 21 8

I, Neito Monoma, was standing outside alone on the rooftops of the school. School just ended, the bell had left a soft echoing ring in my ears as I climbed the stairs to the very roof I now stood on top of. A blue sky above me, a gentle wave of heat hitting me from the sun's light. I stood there for a very long time, pondering what I were to say.


Earlier, for the final gathering of last minute details on the project, I had the courage to ask Shinsou to the roof after school was done. With that tired, yet oh so calming voice, he had agreed. It made my heart flutter more than my original thought, but that reassured me oddly. Oddly that I truly felt this way. It took me a while, but I think I finally truly understand the connection I feel with him.

It's different. Nothing I ever expected, yet loved. The way he spoke, how tired he was and how often he took naps, and how calm he could be. We were opposites, but opposites attract, do they not?

The only thing that bothers me was his appearance. His dull grey eyes, the bland hair that was always unkept and messy, and some other things just didn't seem to have something. It seemed to be missing, yet it was something he didn't seem to notice. I wonder what it was, but I never had the actual courage to confront him. That felt strange.


I snapped out of thoughts when I heard slow footsteps behind me after a heavy roof door had been pushed open. The steps were slow, sluggish. I knew they belonged to Hitoshi. No one had the sluggish walk he did. It was charming in its own way.

I turned a little, offering a smile. In return, he pulled a hand out of his pockets and waved back. A small smile tugged at his lips in response to my smile. It was sweet.

"Well, what did you invite me up here for then?" He asked, joining my side at the railing and leaning against it. It was obvious it wasn't about the project we worked on all week. After all, we finished it and presented it earlier that day shortly after I invited him up here.

"I needed to get something off my chest," I slowly turned to face him. "So, here it is." He turned to me, curiosity filling his eyes.

"I'm not quite sure what it is, but I feel almost drawn to you. Not almost.. actually, just drawn to you. We haven't know each other long, but ever since I saw you I seemed to feel something. I've been thinking about it. I've never felt this way, but I wanted to ask how you feel about me." I say, unsure how to confront such a situation. I've never done it. Maybe seen others do it, but it felt so different when you're the one actually involved.

Hitoshi hummed, pulling off the railing, yet never took his eyes off the view. "I can agree. It's a mutual feeling I receive as well. I'm not typically a people person, yet I don't mind your company. I never really expected it, considering how different we are, but it's a difference I welcome." He says, a smile yet again tugging on his lips. It relieved me really, so a small smile came over my own features.

Hitoshi turned to look at me. I looked in return. A mutual feeling was shared. Fate seemed to have plan this, hadn't it?

We locked eyes. A gaze meeting another gaze. The world spun as pain filled me, a brief thing coming over me and a color like no other ignited before me. Hitoshi's features no longer seemed to bland and dull.

Indigo... that was the color I've been missing my whole life. The key to the final color for my eyes to behold was held by Hitoshi.

I stared. He stared back. He moved closer, bringing his hand to my cheek and carefully cupping it. "Grey was not a suitable eye color, especially with that blonde hair. Now, I know why they seemed so.. out of place." He spoke, his thumb brushing on my cheek lightly.

"You're.. my soulmate." I breathed out. He gave a nod. "And I never imagined I would find them. I.. am quite pleased. Hitoshi, would you like to share this fate with me?"

"I'd love nothing more." He smiled and brought me for a gentle, yet lengthy kiss. It was lovely, really. The way his soft lips clashed on mine. Delicate and fragile, yet so loving toward me. I returned it, how could I not?

I'm the end, we rested on a bench that rested on the roof, staying long enough to enjoy a sunset view. Orange, pinks, yellows, and purples that filled up the sky before nightfall. It was a gorgeous thing.

Hitoshi had since fallen asleep against my shoulder, being the sleepy head he is, but I was truly content here. I looked toward him and gently rested my fingers in his indigo colored hair, gently combing the strands while he slept. Indigo was truly a fitting color for Hitoshi Shinsou.

And from now on, he and I would be soulmates and share a fate. Every day I could see indigo on his lovely features and catch up to the lost time without it.

Maybe I should believe in fate a little more, but I likely won't. Even as a narcissist, I can love Hitoshi and the gift of indigo he gave me.


And there you have it!
Hope the ending was alright ;0 maybe in the future I'll come back to this story for more. Who knows

But thank you so much for reading! 4.5k reads is a lot lmao-
I'm happy to finish this. I hope it was worth the wait, even if I was a bit slow, which I do apologize for

Best MHA ship. I don't care much for the fandom, but let's have something nice in there, yeah?

Thank you so much for reading, it's been a pleasure to write for you all. Maybe I'll write again, but it'll likely be Genshin Impact or Danganronpa lmao

Let me know if any of you would like that :0

For now, goodbye! Have a great summer and I had a lot of fun getting to write for you all! ~♥

- Prim

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