What happened ?

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It was now the next day. I was already dressed and ready for class today. Yesterday the teacher mentioned a group project to choose some sort of topic and do a presentation on it, so today he was telling us our partners and letting us work on the project during his period with our partners. It was due by the end of the week.

I hoped I didn't get a partner that did nothing yet took credit. Those people annoy me. I'd love nothing more than to rat them out and watch them have a bad grade while mine is good.

I straightened up my tie and brushed my hair a little more before I headed for the door, scooping my school bag off the floor and hoisting it over my shoulder while I headed out the door. I hummed while I walked down the halls as always to counter the silence that echoed around them. It wasn't a long walk from the dormitories to my classroom so I made it there within a couple minutes.

I walked into the class, one of the first few in there since I'm always early. I was the first one here a few times already as well. I sat down at my desk and set my school bag under it with a hum. This project would either be good or annoying.

Not too long after I came in, others slowly started to arrive and take their places at their desks or stand and happily talk with their friends. I smile when Kendo arrived. Me and her were just talking like normal friends would, me mostly being the self centered person I am.

Class was about to begin and everyone took their seats, well almost. Hitoshi came rushing in, looking a mess like he had yesterday, and sitting down in his seat with a yawn. I guess he had woken up late. I didn't mind his messy appearance though, I kept looking at him a little longer before my attention went to the door as our Homeroom teacher walked inside. He stood at the front of the classroom and leaned against his desk while looking at some papers in his hand.

"Yesterday I announced that we will being doing a project with partners. I have chosen who you are working with and I will not change it, so please don't ask. You work with who you get and live with it." He says as he glanced to the class. "When I call you and your partner, move so you are sitting with them so after I explain you can get right to work."

He then proceeded to list off kids and their partners. I then heard my name so I got up and grabbed my things as the teacher spoke.

"Neito Monoma, you and Hitoshi Shinsou are partners." He says nonchalantly without looking up from his paper.

My heart at least stopped working for a few seconds, thrilled to be with Hitoshi. It meant I could be closer to him again. I couldn't help myself anymore, he was probably the only one in this class I actually liked as much as myself and Kendo.

I moved and sat down by him, watching him give me a tired smile which I swear could kill me. It was so sweet. He laid his head back down on his desk afterwards as the teacher listed the rest of the kids and their partners. He moved on to explain requirements and all that.

Hitoshi then sat up once the teacher told us to begin, turning to me while I pulled out some paper to write down ideas and thoughts being the organized, self centered person I was.

For a moment I looked into his eyes, and everything suddenly hurt. My vision had an awful blur as a color I couldn't recognize filled my vision, making my head spin some. I couldn't breath. I tear my eyes away from him since I couldn't bare it any longer, a deep breath leaving me. That color left and I immediately couldn't recall what it was besides that it filled the blank parts I see in Hitoshi's features.

I guess he felt something too but not how I just did, he looked fine mostly. He seemed to notice something off about me. "Are you okay?" He asked, I could hear the hint of worry that lingered in his voice.

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