The announcement for a new classmate

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We've been in school for a week and a day by now. I'm getting used to my classmates and their personalities but of course I'm still the perfect one here. Though now that's going to change. The teacher had an announcement this morning.

The teacher had come inside and told us all to sit down and listen up, wanting to let us know of something that the staff had changed up.

He cleared his throat and leaned against his desk in the front of the classroom. "Good morning class, today I'm starting class with a quick announcement. Tomorrow morning we'll have a new classmate from class 1-C. Last minute the school board changed his class to ours since they figured he'd suit better here than his current. There was the idea he would've gone to 1-A but that class is very full already, plus they're sure he can get a scholarship pretty well on his own. I want you all to welcome him and please treat him respectfully. I trust you all will be good examples. Now, let's start class."

The thought of a new classmate was exciting since it meant a new personality and all. I didn't care too much. I doubted I'd talk to whoever it was anyway. Though the mention of 1-A pissed me off. That's a special class for kids to get a good start for college. Well I'll show and prove my class is the superior one.

Class went on with the normal subject it was meant to teach, so we moved passed rules and introductions finally. I of course read the entire rule book so I can keep a good clean record, can't be screwing up now can I?

Lunch was fine as well. Me, Kendo, and Tetsu we're sitting together. We pretty much became a friend group. I lead it of course but if I go to far, Kendo likes to smack me in the back of the head to get me to lay off. It gets annoying but at least she doesn't mess up my hair or bruise me when she does it. She knows how much I care for my appearance.

Afternoon classes were also like the morning ones, starting their respected subjects and moving on from rules and introductions. The work was easy as well, though some struggled and it just made me snicker under my breath.

The final bell finally rang and many rushed out, either having plans with friends after school or to lie down and get their homework done and over with. Monday is a breeze to me though this time. I finished my homework when given to me, I study and teach myself because I really do want a good career in life. I'm the perfect student.

Kendo did offer me to hang out with her today so I did agree to it, following her off the campus and heading off to take a nice walk through the park and grab something for dinner on the way back.

The park was nice, an open space with some trees and benches here and there for you. Me and her sat down together on the bench and she started up a conversation.

"Which student from 1-C do you think it is?" She asked me.

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen them much besides in lunch period, so I haven't memorized them." I say.

"I'm sure whoever it is will be wonderful. That class looks nice, even though we barley know of them."

"Yes well our class is the best of the first years."

"You say that about every class you're in."

"Because I'm in it. I'm perfect, plus I really mean it this time. 1-A is just brats that got lucky. 1-C is just kinda there. You barley notice them until they're there. But us, we will get the attention on us when we need. I was created for that."

She just laughed. "You have interesting view points Monoma, but I won't disagree or agree."

I shrug. "Fine by me."

"Wanna head back and grab something to eat on the way back?"

"Of course. Let's go, come on."

We had grabbed something to eat on the way back and headed up to the dormitories. We said our goodbyes and headed off to our dorms.

I went inside mine and set my things aside, changing into something more casual and comfy than that school uniform. I straightened up things a little before I headed out into the balcony to enjoy the fresh, crisp air before bed. I did my nightly hygiene before I laid down.

I started to wonder who it could be. I haven't seen many students from that class but it's still fun to imagine the possibilities. My mind slowly wandered to him. The boy in the coffee shop. My mind flashes back to the last time I saw him, remembering the UA schedule he had in his pocket. I haven't seen him on the campus yet but maybe I'd run into him, though I had no idea which year he was in.

I snapped out of that and made a face at myself. Why did I care so much? Everyone else I just judged their looks silently and never really thought of again. He was oddly different and just grabbed my attention yet he was a complete opposite of me.

Messy gray hair, wrinkled and untidy clothes, pretty pale skin, slender, skinny even, and just an interesting character. I hadn't caught a sight at his face yet. I wish I had.

I still find myself wondering about his gray hair, was that really the look he wanted? Or was there something more to it that I didn't understand or see?

Maybe I'd find out or drop it eventually. I had no idea. For now I just had to focus on school, get a good career, and possibly see if I could ever meet my soulmate and find the color my eyes are forbidden to see until I see who I'm destined for.

The mystery is fun but you can't really figure it out until right when you lock eyes.

Long ago I had chosen not to waste my time searching for someone I may not ever meet and get heartbroken. Plenty went with others they know if they ended up not finding their soulmate and living that way. Hardly anyone meets them. The news does like the explode when they find out a couple has.

But that's barley happened in ages.

I shake my head to get all those thoughts away, wanting to sleep since it's a school night and I can't look tired when the new student comes.

I have to look my best as always.

I cleared my mind and soon enough, I have drifted off to sleep.


(( 1140 words ! Enjoy this long chapter . I was in a writing mood I guess lmao . From now on they should be long chapters . At least I hope .

Thank you for reading !

- SC ))

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