Pride 🏳️‍🌈

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If this ends up posted , it is not part of the main story . I just wanted to write a quick one shot since it is pride month , so why not he gay ?

Enjoy if this ends up actually in the book . Again , not part of the plot , just something fun while waiting for the next update on the real plot line .
Enjoy ~ ))

The air was nice and fresh. It was June, a beautiful month. Never too cold and never too hot most days. It was also the month that celebrates pride. It's a lovely thing really. I was more than happy to spend the day with the love of my life, Hitoshi.

It was also the one month I could get him to wear bright and beautiful colors besides his usual more darker colors like gray and black. I could only imagine how cute he'd look.

It was the end of the month by now, so July would be upon us shortly. I decided to go out on a date with him and let ourselves enjoy being so open to other's of our sexuality with a bright array of rainbow colors. To show off the pride hidden in our hearts to let free for the world to see. For us to be heard and accepted.

It was lunch. I had told Hitoshi to get into some colorful clothes with me for a date, and he agreed. We were at our own apartments which made it better. We wouldn't see each other until we met up, so it was a complete surprise.

This was also the one time I let myself really go all out and funky with my clothes. Hitoshi was doing the same so I didn't mind. I put on a rainbow sweatshirt, some loose jeans with straps on them with paint splatters. I brushed my hair and put on some cat ears since I figured Hitoshi would like them. He was sweet that way. My arms were covered in bracelets and I admit, I felt a little silly but no one would judge me. I put on converse and that was about it besides a couple more colorful accessories to really bring it all together.

It was interesting to dress like this when normally I tried to look my best, so I was messing around in front of a mirror a little. I kept my hair neat at least but let everything else be all colorful and even not match.

Of course this only made my mind wonder to Hitoshi, about how colorful he would look. His hair was such a vibrant indigo as well, it sounded so pretty to imagine all the wonderful colors he'd be in. I smiled to myself.

Lastly I just finish off by painting a little on my face. I had a good time just letting myself dress up like this. I'd do it again next June, I really would. Every other day I'd go back to my normal neat and cocky appearance.

But today, that was about having fun and letting the pride really show from my heart. And Hitoshi would be joining me.

I grabbed my belongings off from their place on the counter, putting them in the rather large pockets with a giggle to feel them sink so low into them. I headed out and locked the door behind me, excitedly heading down the stairs of the complex. I walked out and started to head to where we agreed to meet at, a fountain.

As I walked, I noticed other couples showing off their pride in the sexuality they possessed. I may not have my partner now but soon I would, and I was excited to see him. Very excited at that.

I arrived at the fountain with a bright smile as I sat down on it, feeling at the water a little with my fingertips. It was a little cold but that was to be expected. You could see the shine off all the coins people tossed in it, the shine catching yours eyes just as easily as the water itself could.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see messy indigo hair, snagging my attention from the water and all the coins. It was Hitoshi, my lover.

He loved spectacular I tell you. The amount of colors that mixed in with his pale skin was astonishing. There were bows in his hair, even cat ears mixed in with his hair. His clothes were messy and baggy like usual but they were colorful, lots of blues and just overall rainbow with the fabrics. He looked adorable! He had a lot of bracelets on both wrists and a couple stickers on his face, which I absolutely adored. Some things he was wearing was cat themed so I had no surprise there. I wished he'd dress up a bit like this more often if I'm being honest, though the cozy baggy look is cute on him too. Makes him fun to cuddle with.

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