Part Twelve

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"Good morning. I forgot how loud you can be."

He smirked arrogantly.

"Oh, shush! You aren't the silence type as well."

I got up  and was about to go the bathroom when I felt his arm around my waist pulling me back into bed. Shrieking I fell on top of him. He turned me around and pinning me down so he was on top while I was lying on my stomach.


He slighlty got up so I could at least turn around to lay on my back but he was still hovering over me. His brown eyes were scrutinizing mine while he was coming closer. He was closing his eyes and so was I when our lips pressed against each other. It was a short sweet kiss. We looked into each other eyes and it felt like the time before everything went downhill. Right now I was feeling happy and calm thanks to him but I know this feeling won't last long.


Okay Shruti, keep calm! He is just a guy. A cute guy. A really cute guy. But he's friends with your cousin and Pras mustn't know anything.

Since that night he brought me home we sometimes saw each other in the common rooms and chatted for a while. As we already got each other's numbers thanks to his drunken calls we started chatting on few occasions and  it turned into regular texting. After all this time I feel like there might be a little crush. But only a quarter crush. Nothing more.

This morning I received a message by him.

Are you free Friday eve?

Yeah. Why?


He didn't reply.

Is he going to ask me out? Or was the text not meant for me? I really need to talk to Alison about this.


"Oh my gosh! You guys text each other? Imma ship you, guys." 

"Very helpful. I don't know. He is really cute and texting seems so easy but I think I shouldn't raise my hopes."

"Nah gurl. He is into you I know that!"

"How would you? You barely talked to him. I just need to chill. Let's wait til he texts." I take a sip of my coffee to calm my nerves.

The chats we had when we met randomly were really nice and you could also had real good discussion about social topics. Two days ago we bumped into each other when I was on my way to grab my daily coffee at my favourite café. He was just heading out but joined me anyway and we talked about Marvel movies and how Bucky should get more screen time in my opinion. Well, he didn't agree with me on that as he wasn't one of the original avengers. But how can someone not want more of Bucky?

"Yeah. Not with me. Give me your phone." I reluctantly give Alison my phone and wonder what she is going to do.

I know she wouldn't make it look I double texted.

"Look, he just texted!" she screams excitedly and some costumers turn their head to look at us.

I quickly lean over the table to grab my phone. He did indeed.

Wanna watch the new Captain America?

"Oh my gosh. Do you think it is a date?"

"Of course, I do! Shruthi you have to text him yes!" Alison wants to get my phone but I don't loose my grip.

"I don't know. What if he is going with other friends as well?"

"Then ask him!"

"No, I can't."

"Yes, you can" and with that she violently took my phone leaving scratch marks on my hand and almost spilling our coffees.

Before I can get it back she texts something.

"Alison, you just did not!"

She smiles victoriously.

Sure! Let's make it a date 😇

Pick me up?

I groan. This can not be true. I want to bury myself. Before I can complain he texted.

Alright, be ready at 6 😉


I have to thank Alison! That was my first thought when I got out of bed Saturday morning. Warily I go to the bathroom to make myself ready for the day as I have to go to my parents for my mother's birthday party and they need help preparing. It's her 50th Birthday and there will be a big party with way too many people I don't know.

When I see myself in the mirror over the sink I can't help but grin. Last night was really amazing. I don't know how to describe it. I might feel giddy thinking about what we did after the movies.

The movie itself was good and I couldn't stop swooning over Sebastian Stan every time he was on screen and luckily Pridhiv didn't seem to mind. Afterwards we talked about the movie and the plot all the way home and other stuff.

When we bid our goodbyes we hugged but than he put his hand on my face and leaned in to kiss me. Even though I was really nervous as it was my first kiss I kissed him back. It was sweet and also a bit demanding. And oh boy, I did not wanted to stop kissing him. We were standing right in front of my room. As soon as we caught a breath we continued in my room and then on my bed. We didn't have sex but things got quite heated and layers of clothing were scattered on the floor as the night went by. His touches were gentle yet tough and I couldn't get enough of him as well. Some time we fell asleep and he must be still sleeping.



Hey people!

 Sadly I need to put this story officially on hold as I just don't want to half-heartedly finish it. This chapter was waiting to be published for years but I didn't had the heart to do so. Well now you go!

When I started writing this story I was a teenager and got most of the plot figured out but I can't stand writing a toxic-ish relationship and such chauvinistic character nowadays. I thought I could somehow write the plot around why Pridhiv got hostile towards Shruthi but any idea that I got in my mind was not satisfying.

It's not me it's him and I need to rest this story.

I already got another story on my mind, I am rather happy to write about, as it will not have a "bad boy" or something as a main character. But it will include arranged marriage as it is my favourite topic to write.

Sometime I might figure something out and write this story but for now it is on hold.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting and voting for this story! I'm really happy you enjoy reading it! <3

All the best,

Vini xx

Vini xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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