Part Eleven

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I just don't get it. I am confused about Pridhiv. Right before our wedding we were in a huge fight, then he was kind of flirty and possessive and then everything seemed fine in an odd way but now he is distant and I cannot keep my hands for myself.

How can feelings change in a few weeks of time?

It's been four days since I saw him. I didn't join him on his trip, because I thought I needed time for myself and it's probably the best to have some distance. But somehow having him around and not doing stuff with him actively was making me feel better and not lonely. I know I'm a mess when it comes to my feelings and him being in San Francisco was not helping. But luckily he's already on the way back here.

We texted the last days a few times, mainly about how work was doing or what I did the whole day. Luckily school was about to start in two days and I could manage to prepare some classes but at the end of the day I missed Pridhiv. Or I just miss someone to spend the evening with. Having dinner, watching a movie.

I tried to meet Alison or my family but everyone was busy doing god knows what and cancelled every plan.

At least I know, that Pridhiv should be back home any minute and I will finally have some human interaction. He texted as soon as he landed at 5 PM and the airport was an hour drive away.

I heard the keys and quickly saved my presentation for Monday's class and looked up when he entered the apartment.
He didn't seem to notice me first and was busy taking off his jacket and removing his shoes. After putting my laptop aside I went to him.

"So, fancy something to eat?" I asked leaning on the wall.

"Suddenly being such a devoted wife," he answered with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "I was just being nice."

"Tea is fine, just let me get fresh."

He went to the bathroom while I headed to the kitchen and started making tea. It wasn't much of work. After switching on the kettle I took the green tea bags and put them into cups. One thing we have in common: Green tea was our favourite tea, and we could drink it any time of the day.

I took one cup, sat at the kitchen table and scrolled down my Instagram feed waiting for Pridhiv.

"Anything interesting?" Pridhiv asked and took the seat in front of me carefully holding his full cup of tea.

"Nope, just the usual. So, do you have
work tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is Saturday. I don't work on weekends."

"Well, you did the last weeks." I arched my eyebrows.

" I arched my eyebrows

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"Exceptionally. I'm free now. Why are you asking?" Another smirk.

"I was just being curious - it's like being in quarantine." And I was feeling lonely.

He nodded and sipped on his tea. "Did you miss me?" he asked bluntly.

I didn't answer.

And luckily his phone vibrated vehemently signalling that he's getting a call and I could get a sneak on his screen.


I wonder how he even got his days off for the marriage and the honeymoon.


"You can not be serious" he muttered under his breath.

"Excuse you!" What is wrong with him? We were fine minutes ago.

"Shruthi, give it back to me." He lunged forward but I scooted back asking why.

We decided on watching some TV after our late breakfast and because Pridhiv was being indecisive he threw the remote control to me. And I knew what I wanted to watch: Miss Congeniality. I haven't watched it for years and apart from some cringy scenes the movie's awesome.

But now, Mr. I-don't-care cares about what to watch. He wish.

"Let's watch something less girly!"

I quickly hid the remote under the pillow behind my back and wrapped myself in a blanket. "Well, shit happens."

He scooted closer and squinted his eyes. "Shruthi, c'mon."

Stubbornly I looked the other way.

I'm more than aware how close we are and I wouldn't mind to see how far he'll go.

He groaned as if he was in pain and defeated he sat next to me.

But before I could think myself safe I felt hands that pulled my hips towards him taking me aback.

He was almost laying on top of me to get to the remote controller which he took successfully from behind my back. I groaned and wanted to push him off me but he stayed hovering over me.

"Pridhiv, get off me. You got that remote."

His expression didn't reveal any emotion. He also stayed muted.
Who needs words when you let actions speak, right?

He slowly leaned into me, my breath hitched while his grazed my heated skin. My lips parted as he came closer, my mouth went dry.

Before I could even try to get out of this intimate position his lips locked with mine and I instantly reciprocated the kiss. While one hand rested on his chest my other one grazed the nape of his neck. My eyes closed and his tongue intruded my mouth everything else was forgotten. Just us. His left thumbs slowly caressed my skin on the hip. His right hand on my face to keep me in place.

As the time passed hands explored each other's body. Every inch under our clothes. Goosebumbs rose even though his touch was familiar. 

Very familiar. His hands knew where to touch and so did mine. All the clothes were quickly gone and our bodies were drawn together. They knew the rhythm. The pace.

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