Part Seven

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Here we go. Wearing nothing but our bathing suits, well I am wearing one while Pridhiv is wearing just a pair of swimming trunks, we spent our time in the pool. Actually Pridhiv has been swimming a few rows while I was sitting in the attached whirlpool and relax. The sun is shining brightly and there are no clouds, which can damp my good mood.

It's been day two of our honeymoon because yesterday we slept through the whole day. The last days were just too exhausting. No sleep, talking with one relative after the other and getting married doesn't gives you any time for rest. I'm really happy that the wedding is behind us but there shouldn't be any need for a marriage in the first place.

"What are you thinking about?"
I look up.
Right in front of me Pridhiv is standing in all his glory. His body glistening from the water. Drops of water making their way down his toned abs leaving stains.

Get your shit together, Shruti! He's just a guy.

"Er... Nothing. Maybe I should talk with Alison and tell her how awesome this place is. You know, she is- Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"
Pridhiv chuckles and sits in front of me. The warm bubbles of the whirlpool creating a barrier between us.

"You just looked amused and still are. What's going on?"

"You looked quite flustered as you told me what you were thinking about. So tell me, wifey. Did you lie to me?"

"Why should I?" Rolling my eyes I stand up.
Maybe I should go and explore the town a little bit. The weather is too awesome for not spending time outside. I don't even know what the town is called. It is something with "haven", I think.

Pridhiv abruptly takes my wrist. I stumble a tiny bit but I am still standing steadily.

"Where are you thinking you going? I wanna chat with you."

With his free hand he is shielding his eyes from the sun while looking at me.
I don't want to look at him. His body is too distracting and I don't think I could handle him making fun of me for staring at him. He may looks good but not that good. He ain't no Fransisco Lachowski or Matthew Daddario.

Geez. Matt Daddario as Alec in Shadow hunters is delicious. Seriously I don't even blink when he appears. My eyes are just too focused on him. And Magnus Bane! Malec for life!

"Gonna explore the town. We can chat when I'm back." His grip looses and I go back to our little cottage.

I will never get tired of this place. I am hundred percent sure of it. It's so beautiful.


"Did you know that Port Haven is famous for it's seafood restaurants? They do have the most delicious lobsters and oysters. You wanna try?"

My husband, the tourist guide. I was actually hoping for some time alone here, i.e. without Pridhiv. Don't know if I should feel flattered that he wants to spent time with me or annoyed.

"Not right now. Maybe for dinner? I really want to visit the market over there."

"Fine. Let's go."

He takes my hand and goes in the direction of the bazaar.
Firstly I have tried to get subtly rid of it but he didn't move an inch and I let him holding it.

No, it is not weird holding hands and go sight seeing with him. Absolutely not. The last two days we roughly have talked and I do know it's mostly my fault. I may behave sulky but he shouldn't had just kiss me that night without my permission. Especially when he shouldn't been in my room that night! Argh!
But I need to behave nicer to him.

"Look at this flower crown!"

An old woman on the flower booth is selling various  handmade creations made of flowers

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An old woman on the flower booth is selling various handmade creations made of flowers. One piece cuter than the other one. Preferably I would buy everything.

As soon as I have finished looking at further accessories with flowers, Pridhiv already has bought a flower crown.

"You shouldn't had to, you know?"

"I don't care. Here I will place of on your head."

He steps towards me until there are merely inches between us and puts the crown in my hair without pulling on my hair and ruining it.

"Here you go." He smiles at me. His caramel brown eyes sparkling.

Okay, Shruti don't melt down.


"You're welcome."

And now his goddamned hand. His right hand cups my cheek and his nose nears mine til our each other's tip of nose touches the other one's.
And then I feel it.

His soft lips on mine. The smell of his cologne filling my nostrils. A mix of lemon, apples and cinnamon.

My hands grip on his shirt. We are almost clinging on each other deepening the kiss and-


Hey guys!!! Here's your update! I know it's not June. :/ But 1st July is also okay, or not? Please forgive me guys!!
But the mist important thing I wanna tell you is: THANK YOU FUCKING SOOO MUCH!!!
Over 9K!! And over 300 votes! You are amazing! Again thx for all the views, votes, comments and follows! I love you, guys!!

Isn't Alec cute af ?!

Lots of Love,
Vini xx

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