Part Nine

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I have never been the one to get annoyed easily or boiling with rage immediately. I have been very patient especially with Tamil aunties annoying the hell out of me but that is for good now.

You should know how to behave to your husband, right?

Be a good wife to him.

Please him.

Do everything he wants.

If he is not happy with you then it's your fault.

Don't be a failure for your family.


"Could you freaking stop annoying me and mind your own business?"


Of course they won't say anything if you have slightly raised your voice.

Let the shit storm begin. But I'm not patient enough to listen to their scolding.

"I don't need to take care of my husband. He is an adult and should know how to take care of himself. And if this marriage should not work I'll get divorced. No. Big. Deal. I won't be the failure. It'll be you. You have too many expectations. I'm not your daughter."

I look briefly at my mum. "My parents do know what I do like and what not. They will support me instead of abondening me. So, if you think you are in the position to give me advice, then be sure that I will not take it."

And it starts all over again.

You are too young.

You dont know what is good.

We are right.

Don't question us.

"Enough BS" I mutter and leave the living room to go back into my old room.

It's four pm. Pridhiv should be on his way to my parents'.

But half an hour later he hasn't arrived yet

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But half an hour later he hasn't arrived yet. Even my in-laws has arrived but he's missing. I have messaged him multiple times but he hasn't replied.

Where the hell is he?

I go out of the room to go to the kitchen and prepare some tea . When I put on the kettle I hear someone entering the room. It's my mother-in-law. She's such a sweet lady and it's a mystery to me how she could raise such a rude ignorant guy as Pridhiv.

"Hello, Athai."

"Shruthi, my dear. How are you? Is Pridhiv causing you any trouble?" She asks me dearly.

See. She is a sweet lady and knows that her son is quite a handful. I don't answer truthfully while making the tea and wish innerly that her son should arrive soon. The elders had the brilliant idea to have afternoon tea to check our situation as newly weds. I wasn't fond of the idea but by mum persuaded me. And here I am. Filling cups with tea and putting sweets on a tray. My mother-in-law helps me carrying everything to the dining room and takes a seat as so do I. I listen to the parents as they are talking about mutual friends of theirs. 

A fewminutes later the door bell rings and I leave the room to welcome our guest. Pridhiv. 

"Where have you been? They are waiting."

"Well, hello to you, too, darling."

"Sorry, let's go inside."

As soon as Pridhiv sat on the table, it's been less boring because the elders asked questions to both of us and talked. Those aunties still try to give advices but I don't give a damn about them and it seems as that Pridhiv doesn't care much either. After the second cup of tea I have decided to leave and also my husband agreed to leave. I don't know why but somehow I've got the feeling that Pridhiv is quite colder towards me. After our honeymoon and that make-out session he once again was distant and I can't figure out what his problem his. 

We drive back to our appartment, none of us talking. I ask him how work was but he quit the conversation I was trying to start with "fine". It might be annoying for him that he has to work and I don't but the schools have holidays thus I can spend my time with everyting I want. 

The sun is setting and the city is couloured in a peachy glow as we got home and as seen as he parked the car, I leave the car and go straight to our appartment and sit on the balcony to enjoy the last rays of the day. Covered in a blanket I sit on a chair while I hear Pridhiv doing something in the apartment. He's not making sense. One time he is a charmer and pushy, and the other time he is so distant and cold. Maybe he should go to a doctor and get diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I need to talk him as soon as possible, but first I want to enjoy the sunset. 

"Hey." Prdhiv comes outside and takes a seat on the chair next to me. I turn towards him. 

"Shruthi, I" - "Why are you" We say at the same time and chuckle lightly. "Sorry, go on", he says.

"No it's okay, talk." "Shruthi, go on." 

I sigh. "Fine. Why are you so distant?" I look at him try to capture his eyes, but he looks away. "I am not. Why are you thinking that?"

"Because you won't even talk to me today and you did not tell, why you were so late and don't blame the traffic." 

"I am talking to you , ain't I?" He pauses. "Something at work intervened as I was headed to my car." 

"You could have sent me a message." "Don't be annoyed. I came, right? Well, I need to talk to you."

"Shoot." I look back at the skyline not buying his reason for coming late. We did agree on not interferring into each others life but to be honest even though I thought it'll be easy to avoid him I can't. He is such a tease and I could try hard hating him but it's been so much drama since we first met and to be honest I'm tired. I don't want to have any feelings for him but he's such a pain in my ass and the only solution for me is to set rules. Or fuck it. 

"I will be leaving -" I cut him off by kissing him. Without hesitation he kisses back. The small distance between the chairs is too long for me thus I  slightly stand up without breakingthe kiss and put my arms around him, so does he. We are standing on our balcony while the sun disappears and I love this moment. But now I let the words he said sink in. I stop the kiss and ask him. 

"You are leaving?" "What? Yeah." I take a step back. "Are you serious? What's wrong with you?" Before I could make another move he stops me. "Gosh Shruthi, let me finish speaking. I'm leaving for three days for work and I wanted to ask you if you'd like to join me?" 

Ugh. Why is so argh!


athai: Mother-in-Law

a/n: Hello Guys! I'm so sorry! I know it's been 2 fricking years and I'm so sorry! But tbh I haven't used the Wattpad app for a long time thus my lack of motivation to write sth but now I'm back. I've forgot how awesome it is to write and I'll try to be more frequent on Wattpad. I can't promise you that I'll be publishing the next chapter within a few months but I will definitely try. Thank you for all of your support and I really appreciate it!! 

Love of you!!!

Vini xx

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