Part Two

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Chocolate, vanilla cream, strawberrires. Yummy!
The best thing on birthdays is that you'll get a big birthday cake and everyone you love is by your side celebrating with you. Today is such a day. I'm getting nineteen years old. Nineteen, my last teenage year. Just two weeks ago I got my graduation and yesterday arrived my acceptance letter of the university I'd love to go. Can this get any better?

"Look, who just came", my little sister by one year, Madhini, shouted and instantly I looked to the house's front door.

Yes, it can.

Happily I run to the newly arrived guest and attack him with a hug.

"Slow down, baby sister" He chuckled and hugged me back.
It's been over a year since I've seen my big brother, Kaarthi. He is more than six years older than me and moved out last year to live with his fiancé Nivetha. Unlike most Tamil weddings this is going to be a love marriage which hasn't been approved by lot of relatives but luckily my parents are not much into traditions and have blessed my brother's relationship. Especially because Nivi is also Tamil. However, Nivetha's parents weren't utterly amused by her daughter's behavior and even threatened Nivi to disown her. Luckily my parents had a long talk with them and then with Kaarthi and they've given their blessings. Finally, this year, in five weeks to be exact, the wedding will take place. Because all the wedding preparations and my school stuff I couldn't see him but now I am the happiest person.

"Don't complain. I haven't seen you for ages."

As soon as we move apart Nivi comes and wishes me Happy Birthday while hugging. More and more of my relatives arrive and congratulate on my nineteenth. My family is big and so it takes a while til everyone has taken their places and we can start having tea or coffee with cake.

It's past prime time when we girls sit in the living room and watch one of my favourite movies. 27 Dresses.I know, it's kind of kitch but who cares girls love it and I am a girl. We are just at the half of the movie as my mobile phone rings and me being too lazy to pick it up. After almost the dozenth tinkle everyone has got mad at me because I haven't answered yet I stand up and reach for the phone.

I ask annoyed while missing the movie even though I know every sentence by heart.

»Hey, ... Steve, my man, you sound like a girl! Thought almost I couldn't reach ya, come 'n pick me, k?«
The guy on the other end of line sounds slightly drunk and half of what he has said was slurred.

»Here's no Steve. I obviously am a girl and you have got the wrong number. Bye.«
I want to finish the call but got interrupted.

»Wait. Wait. Wait. No Steve? Then you are his lady for tonight?«
He snickers making me irate.

»I told you, you've got the wrong number.« I put the phone back and go back to the girls when it starts ringing again. Angrily I answer again.


»Why did you just hang up? That was rude, little girl.«

»Listen. You. Have. Got. The. Wrong. Number. And if you call here again I will track you down and choke you with my own hands. Understand?«
I am beyond pissed and hold the phone really thight.
Who does he think he is?

He just chuckled. He's chuckling! Like a choking opossum! Are you kidding me?

»Come on, you won't do that. You're definitely too much of a cutie.«

»I ain't no cute. Just leave me alone.«

I press the red button and put the phone back on its charger hoping it won't ring again.

After finishing two more movies my relative have left and just Kaarthi and Nivi remain.
In a group of five we clean our house and garden and finally I can go to bed.

In contrast to the other's bedroom mine is on the ground floor. When I get ready for bed again that freaking phone rings disturbing my actions.

I say groaning and go into my own room.

»Hey, cutie.«
The previous caller greets. His deep voice sounds clearer and enthusiastic not slurred like before.

»It's you again.«
Wearily I grab my pajamas and sit on my cozy bed. If my parents catch me having late night calls with some random guy, I'll be more dead than Michael Jackson.

»I told you here's no Steve so why are you still calling?«

»I do know, but listening to your voice is lovely. Let's talk.«

How charming. Thus I hang up on him.

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(A/N) Here's chapter 2, hope you'll enjoy it. It's a flashback chapter and there will be more of them. Next one will be present time!
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Have a good day/noon/eve/night !!

Vini xx

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