Part One

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"You know we're getting late, right?", my not that little sister asks me staring at the clock on my night table.

"Madhi, calm down. We will be arriving on time. Don't worry" I say trying to stall for more time. She just looked at me suspiciously hands on her hips.

"You've got to be kidding me! Almost five hundred people are waiting for you to come and sit on that fricking stage. And you say I don't need to worry? Mum, will kill me because we make all guests and particularly Pridhiv wait." At the end her voice raise and I can see fume coming out of her deep red ears.

Metaphorically, of course.

Defeated I stand up from my cozy old arm chair I probably have to leave forever.
I approached the room door adjusting my heavy red Saree with gold ornaments on the boarder, which clings on my body and feels like a manacle, which chains me up to a guy I would never be able to love. Is love not the fundamental building block of marriage?

I go out of my bedsit - Madhu right behind me - walk down the hallway, step out of my parents' house, draw near the black car with my brother sitting in the driver's seat and waiting for us and leave my childhood, my home, my save haven me. Because today I will begin a new chapter in my life.

The music blasts out of the hall as we arrive at the venue my parents have chosen and little boys are playing some games outside. There are also older guys smoking and talking about sports, football I think. Not a single female human being is outside apart from me and my sister.
With my both siblings next to me I take a deep breath and enter the big ceremonial hall where my soon-to-be husband is sitting with the priest. Two little girls are standing in front of me holding small baskets with flowers waiting for me to walk down the aisle. My fiancé looks at me with a grimace on his face and I look qualmishly in another direction. He isn't the only one who agreed on this marriage half-heartedly for the sake of our parents.

While I am lead to the mandhabam by the two flower girls I tried to avoid the piercing gazes from the guests. 'Never seen a bride?
From that moment on everything goes in a blur.The walk to the stage, sitting beside Pridhiv, the rituals, how he ties the thali around my neck and puts kumkum on my forehead and the seven rounds around the fireplace. It is an odd feeling to be officially married. I've never dreamed of being married before my late twenties but C'est la vie.
As soon as the priest is finished people passed by throwing rice and blessing us with a happy marriage life.
Like on autopilot I smiled and said Thank You internal screaming that I hate all of this, all of them and the thali, which feels like burning my skin and making me shifting uncomfortably on my seat. Finally it's time for lunch and I have to sit beside my husband again.We're given big banana leaves with lots of varieties of tamil delicious food looking mouth watering. Happily I want to begin eating but have been stopped by the camera man. I look confused at him ignoring Pridhiv. "Would you feed each other? We want some lovely pics with both of you in a natural way." The man instructs and before I can growl in disappointment someone holds vadai
in front of my mouth. Surprised I turned to my spouse. He smiles but it has not reached his dark eyes. He gestures me with his chin I should take a bite and I did so with a fake smile. I grab a mothagam and hold it out to him. As soon as we have fed each other I have to go change my clothes. I even haven't got the chance to have ice cream.
In the changing room my aunts are helping me to get rid of jewelry and removed safety pins from my Saree. Suddenly someone knocks at the door and I drape the red fabric tentatively. Pridhiv enters the room while the ladies are leaving.
"We need to talk", he says in a husky voice.


Hey guys! I'm back with a new story Stuck with Mr. Arrogant there will be some tamil words which are italic, so you can Google if u want :)
I hope you'll enjoy this one, which is again about a wedding :D
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Nanri Vanakkam!

Vini xx

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