Part Four

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As soon as we arrive home I go straight to my room, which luckily isn't occupied by any guests, and get ready for bed. After all it has been a rough day and also tomorrow won't be peace of cake if you have to thank every single guest, hug them and wish a save trip back home. Lots of tears will be shed.

And if you wonder where my husband is (because it's still our wedding night), he went to a nearby hotel with his lads, as our parents reckoned we have still a lot of time to consummate our marriage. Well, I am more than happy about this arrangement, whereas Pridhiv disagreed first but could be swayed by his friends and especially his grandmother, who scolded him for getting annoyed with these circumstances.

You just have to love this woman. Pridhiv cannot deny anything she wants him to do.

My relatives are already asleep and now it's my turn to let sleep finally overtake me. Covering my body with a fluffy duvet I'm ready to sink into sleep.

Bring. Bring.

The phone on my night table vibrates and the display flashes disturbing my sacred zeds.

Whoever it is should be worth it!

"What?" I groan and sit up on the mattress.

"Such a lovely voice you have, darling", I hear the voice of my dear husband, "can't you sleep?"

Leaning my head against the headboard, I closed my eyes and reply fake-silkily: "Of course not. It's such a shame that you're in the hotel. I really do miss you."

"I knew it, Shruti. You cannot resist me even if you try hard."

He wishes.

"Well, earlier the night I easily could."

"You were lucky, that on the exact moment some aunty had to interrupt us by knocking on the door. I swear you wouldn't had stopped once I'd started our make-out session."

"Always speaking highly about you", I snort. "Why did you even call? People want to sleep."

I can hear a low chuckle. "I don't. This night was never mean to be to sleep, so I won't and cannot let you sleep."

"Ugh!", I groan. "Are you serious?" I quit the call and go back to slee. No one should disturb my holy shuteye. I close my eyes and drift to dreamworld.

I'm not sure how long I have fought against the bad with Matthew Daddario and Sebastian Stan (they are two most perfect dreamguys ever) until something has blurred my vision.

As soon as it goes clear again I feel a breath against my skin and see a figure hovering over me. But before I can make a single noise the figure puts its hand over my mouth muffling my sounds.

"Psh. It's me." A deep voice murmurs trying to calm me down. Recognizing the voice I couldn't calm down anymore. Panic-stricken I try to defence myself by hitting the figure with my feet but cannot achieve anything but mere seconds to free my mouth.

"Are you fucking kidding me?", I whisper-scream before a finger has been put on my lips.

I hear a click and the lamp on my bedside table lights up my room and shed light on my husband's face. Groaning I slightly push him away and sit up to pull up my knees and put my arms around them.

"What do you want, Pridhiv?" I glance at the clock. "It's almost half past three!"

He smirks and goes around the bed to take a seat beside me. I uncomfortably shift on the mattress and doubtfully eye Pridhiv.

"How could you even get in here without getting noticed by anyone?"

"My dear wife, I'm not silly. Everyone is in a deep slumber, so the only thing I had to do was being as quiet as a mouse." He chutes closer towards me.
"And you still owe me something."

"What do you mean?" I narrow my eyes looking suspiciously at him.

"You know what I mean." He leans forward to get closer to me. His one hand holding on my chin to make me face him. Our noses are almost touching.

"Please let it be" I murmur quietly and try to move away from him. But his grip wouldn't let go.

Pridhiv shakes his head and tilts his face to mine. His breath making my skin tingle. Our eyes locked on each other's. Lips only millimeters away.

Like a switch has been thrown I snap back. What the hell have I been doing? It's like I was in a daze.

"What is wrong?" He moans loudly and sits straight loosing the grip on me.

"I don't want to sound prude", I begin to explain but have been interrupted by Pridhiv.

"You are prude, Shruti. It's our fucking wedding night." Frustrated he ruffles his hair with a hand.

I sigh. I kind of try to understand his point of view. After all he haven't cheated on me since the day of our engagement.

"What about your grandma? Won't she get disappointed if she knows that you've been here tonight?"

"Don't come with that. I do love her but sometimes her traditional way of thinking is driving me crazy. I'm just asking for a kiss nothing else. Is that too much to ask for?"

Before I can give him a reply I suddenly feel a pair of lips on mine. Cool fingers grazing the hot skin on my cheeks. Closing my eyes I let myself into the heated kiss. I put my hand on his nape getting as close as possible while his other hand tightens on my hip. I feel myself blushing and cannot ignore the fact, it is my first kiss. Well, as a married woman. Funnily enough Pridhiv has been my very first kiss. 

(A/N) Hello everybody!! It's been a while since I have updated the last time but now here's chapter 4! The next one will probably be a flashback again. I hope you enjoyed reading and would leave a comment or a vote :)

Have a good day/eve/night!
Vini xx

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