Part Three

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The last thing on my mind today is consummating marriage with guests next door. How can that jerk even consider it after our talk about future in which we have agreed that we will go our own way without intruding into each other's affairs.

The most arduous part of today's event was over and relatives were mostly on their way back home.
Only immediate family and closest friends have remained for tidying up the ball room and some chatting.

I've been sitting with my best friend Alison and complaining about my dearest husband in a corner wearing something more comfortable than Saree and other traditional clothes as the devil himself has come with his friends in tow. That immediately lowers my mood and I'm ready to go away but Ally holds me back with a pleading expression.

"Hi wifey and her friend, do you mind us sitting with you?" Pridhiv asks nonchalantly and takes a seat. His friends ape his move and now I am sitting in the middle of
Pras and Steve with Ally across to me and my hubby next to her.

"Of course, couldn't talk to you guys properly yet. So how are you feeling?"
She asks him sweetly. Betraying bitch.

"Well, quite good. Especially if you going to get laid tonight", he replies comfortably.

I glance at him and realized he also looks straight at me. Smirking.


"You wish." I spit out with a menacing look. Maybe it wasn't that menacing. But I tried.

"Why not? Are you on your periods or what."

"Hell no. Remember the house is full with guests."

"Does it mean you won't have a problem if no-one is there hear you screaming while I'd screw you. My bad I thought everyone should know what I'm doing to you."

Perverted dickhead. I'm going to gag.

Our friends just stared at us quietly making no move to interrupt.

Gritting my teeth I stand up and approached him.

"We need to talk. Now."

"Sure. I know sooner or later you want to have a talk with me."

He gives me a toothy grin and grabs my wrist leading us to the changing rooms.

"See you later, guys. And ignore the moaning and screaming" he says with a wink.

"Loose the grip, you prick."

Annoyed I try to get away from his hand but he embraces my wrist tighter.

"You wish."

He imitates me with high pitched voice and opens the black wooden door.

"This was embarrassing. How dare you to-"

"Oh c'mon. I was joking. And legally nothing's wrong. So?"

He lets go from my probably broken wrist (finally) and engulfs me suddenly with a bear hug. His arms firmly around my waist squeezing the breath out of me.

"I'm allowed to hold you like this."

The girl I am I squeal and try to push him off.

"More like choking."

"Don't resist, honey. I know you want it and you feel it too. Let's-"

"Stop pretending? Whatever. You can't lure me with song lyrics. Sog off before someone comes in."

Irritated I clench my fists around the fabric of his shirt and try to shove his body away from mine. But pointlessly.
He still has his arms wrapped around me like I'm his teddy bear and wouldn't let go.

"Shruti, would you shut up and enjoy this?"

He murmurs right into my ear making it tingle because of his breath. I stay calm. Not making any sudden moves.

Don't let him get on you, Shruti.

"Enjoy what?"

Furrowing my eyes I give him a look of pure annoyance.

With an exaggerated sigh he releases me but his eyes capture mine immediately. His right hand's fingers trace my jawline down to my neck towards my chest making my breath hitch. His touch is feathery merely noticeable leaving goosebumps on my tanned skin.

His eyes still locked with mine. Showing emotions I cannot describe.

His hand drifts right to my cleavage and as I attemp to snap his hand away he removes it but my thaali lightly lifted.

My gaze is shortly on the golden chain in his hand and back again on him.

"Pridhiv, what are you doing?"

My voice is low afraid to- afraid to what? I don't even know why I feel really uncomfortable now.

"This necklace around your- well, around your neck shows everyone that you're taken, right?"

I nodded silently.

"It shows your mine."

He draws closer to me our nose almost touching.

"Only mine. I don't care if we live apart from each other, minding our own business but remember at the end of the day you are my wife. You shouldn't shrink back if I want to touch you or block me. That's rude. One day we have to do that. So why not tonight, Shruti?"

He looks at me expectantly whereupon I slap him right across his face.

I almost thought it's a cute speech til I realized he just want to get in my pants.

He let go of my thaali and seems shocked.

"What was that for?"

With a growl he approaches me his hands ready to grab me.
Cornered I look vainly for escape. His body presses against mine at the door, his hands suddenly cupping my cheeks and his lips mere inches away from mine.



Wasn't it intense a bit? :D pls vote and comment and have a good day/night/eve...

Vini xx

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