Part Six

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"Good morning, everybody" Pridhiv greets us all rather enthusiastically as he enters the living room.

After our little encounter he went back to the hotel and has just arrived at my parents' house.

I swear to god I will chop his dick off, if he comes another time in my bedroom and touches me without my permission. Who does he think he is?

But you did enjoy the kiss.

A little voice in my mind reminds me and to be honest, I admit I did. That's why I kissed him back, but the next time Pridhiv should not assume it'll be fine every time he makes a move on me.
It's not.
I blame my tiredness for my behaviour last night but I will not let him do that again.

"Pridhiv, did you sleep well last night?"

His grandmother asks him as they hug each other. He gives a knowing look at me and smirks.

This evil piece of shit.

"Ohm, Appama. How about you? Did you have any back pain, when you woke up this morning?"

"Luckily not, my boy. I'm too happy to even feel any pain. My first grandson is finally married."

I see how the old woman sheds some tears and couldn't stop lifting up the corner of my mouth because of the cuteness of Pridhiv's grandma.

"And finally not worrying about him getting other girls pregnant?" I whisper to my sister and we couldn't suppress a giggle.

"Now don't make me cry. Let's have brunch. I will die of hunger and we don't want you to go to my funeral, right?"

"Don't talk such rubbish, Amma." My father in law scowls and soon everyone goes to the dining dining room, which has been prepared with food.

Before I could enter the room I have been held back by someone grabbing my wrist and you can guess who it is.

The reincarnation of Satan.

"What do you want, Pridhiv?"

"Aw. Why so grumpy, my love. Didn't you sleep well last night?"
My dear husband (not) lets go of my wrist to intervene his fingers with mine and repeats the action with the other hand.

I try to release my hands but he doesn't budge an inch. Instead he pulls me closer to him and grins mischievously.

"For your information: I slept really well last night. Good night kisses are way better than sleeping tablets."



Someone nudges me.



Another nudge.


"Are you tired?"

"No shit."

I sit up, rub my eyes and look out the car window. It is about midnight and we've been driving around for over three hours since we bid our good byes to our family.
My in-laws have prepared a little trip for Pridhiv and me to enjoy our honeymoon and to catch up on our wedding night.

I frequently told them it's not necessary but they insist and when Pridhiv's grandmother (who I call Patti) also insisted us to go and spend some days at some resort I couldn't decline anymore.

"So, are we there yet?" I ask hoping to get a positive answer because I desire a soft bed to rack out. And maybe to avoid my husband. Since brunch I've been avoiding him and do plan to keep it going on.

"Yeah. Let's get out and check in."

The gentleman he is, he carries both of our packages (luckily I just have one suitcase) and run ahead of me while I just have to carry a big handbag.

As soon as we have got our room keys, an employee leads us to a little beach house not far from the lobby, where we will stay for the coming days.

It looks more like a cottage but I don't care because the big bed looked cozy as fuck and I cannot resist let myself fall on the soft mattress. I don't even bother changing my clothes.

"Should I help you with your clothes?" Pridhiv asks and sits down beside me

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"Should I help you with your clothes?"
Pridhiv asks and sits down beside me.
He also looks tired maybe not as much as I do feel but still tired.

"I'm fine, thanks." I switch off the bed side table lamps, which has been giving us light since our arrival and turn my back to Pridhiv to sleep peacefully.

I hear him sighing and also spreading on his side of the bed.
If I was less tired, maybe I would have thrown a tantrum because of sharing a bed, but I am too tired to care.
He shifts a lot before I notice he is laying still as one of his hands loops around my waist and rests on my tummy.

He whispers good night and plants a feather light kiss on my neck. And not soon after I hear him snore quietly.

There is still a tingling feel on the skin he just has kissed as I drift to sleep.


Patti - Grandma
Appama - paternal grandmother


Here is the chapter I promised you some days ago and I do hope you enjoyed it.
I know there is not lots of Pridhiv/Shruti action but I just wanted to finally post another chapter because it has been ages I have posted on. Especially because it's my last year of high school and I do have to pass my Advanced Levels, which starts this freaking Friday! *cries a river*

Well, just leave a comment/vote if you did (or did not) like this chapter. I'm really happy to receive your opinion!

I wish you a good night/day/evening/afternoon!
Vini xx

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