Part Five

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"Shruti, are you OK? You seem quite quiet today."

You don't say.

Of course I wouldn't say a single word today, Amma. You dragged me along with you to visit your sister and this woman is freaking nerve wrecking. Especially since she thinks I'm old enough to get married. I have been nineteen for about four months and just started university.

"Nothing. Just a bit tired 'cuz I hadn't enough sleep due to arriving home after midnight." I fake smile and take a sip of the cooled coffee.

Too bitter.

"I told you, it's not good to let your daughter commute between university and home. Shruti needs to get settled down immediately. Young girls alone in a big city. Is a big No."

I heave a deep sigh. She never would let this issue down. Since I've gone to college she gets worried of me being alone.
For god's sake I'm independent and don't need a knight.

"Aunty. I can take care of myself on my own."

But she furiously shakes her head no.

"You don't understand. I am sure I have some friends with handsome sons. I can give them a call."

"Mehana, you don't need to worry. Shruti has some friends in the near and is not completely alone."

"Aiyo, you don't understand. Look, if something happens to her, there won't be anyone to help her."

"I've got friends."
I state bored and take another sip from the chilled drink.

I don't understand why she rushes me to marry as soon as possible. Even my parents are not annoying me with this subject. This woman is frustrating!

"Not even Kaarthi's wedding is over, so why are you getting on my nerves and want to force me into a marriage? For god's sake I'm not even twenty!", I burst out.

Seriously, I couldn't stand her annoying blabbering for any more minutes.

"Shruti! Show some respect to your elder ones. You can't talk to her like this", mum scolds me and apologised to her sister for my childish behaviour.

Mehana aunty goes furious and insults me for being such a brat. Especially since those rumours going around. You are such a shame for this family!"

"Which rumours?" I ask suspiciously and look to my mother. She avoids my eyes and eyed her folded hands rather interested.

"Nee friendsodu kizhamay kizhamaya discovukku poradhu. Boysodu romba friendlya pazhagarathu! They say you are a hoe."

Is she kidding me? This cannot be true. I will kill the person who has started these rumours.

If you ask my friends I'm one of the most boring girl ever. For real!

But the most shocking thing is that my aunt used the word 'hoe'. Hearing it from her mouth makes me almost chuckle but this is too much to assimilate.

"Who told you such bullshit?"

"Language, Shruti."

"You using 'hoe' is fine? Hypocrite."
Murmuring the last word I start packing my things (aka my phone), bid both of them goodbye and take the too expensive cab to get home.



"Nee friendsodu kizhamay kizhamaya discovukku poradhu. Boysodu romba friendlya pazhagarathu!"


You going out to discos week for week with your friends. Being too friendly to boys.



I know this is a rather short (OK it's really short) but in the coming days there will be another update so be ready guys!
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Have a nice day/evening/night

Vini xx

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