chapter five

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In less than ten minutes, I would be winging an interview with One Direction.

How the hell did my life lead me to this?

This was absolutely horrific. I knew hardly anything about the band. Here and there I'd heard them mentioned on various radio stations and in other YouTube videos. I knew there was a guy in the band named Harry, thanks to the award show earlier. And sadly, that was pretty much it.

The average young adult should at least be able to recognize who they were by looking at them, but I couldn't tell you any of them. I suppose since I'd seen Harry from a distance, and I had heard his band mate describe him as the lad with curly hair, I'd have a shot at guessing which of the five he was, but if he was walking down the street alone, I'd have no clue.

I silently sat myself down in a soft chair next to Chris, who was seated in one just like mine.

I waved to Margaux and she forced a smile. I could tell just by looking at her how much pain she was in. Hopefully someone else would take her home. It wouldn't be safe for her to drive alone in her condition.

"Good luck," she mouthed. "You'll do great."

And from a distance, I saw her press her forefingers upwards at the edges of her mouth, indicating to me to smile. I nodded and turned to Chris inquisitively.

I could see my fear reflected in his eyes, so he put a hand on my leg, which I had just realized was shaking nervously.

"It's fine," he said. "You can look over the general questions we formulated and go with it from there."

I nodded again, still not speaking.

As I scanned his sheet of questions, I anxiously kept pressing the home screen of my phone, checking the time every few seconds in between reading.

No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't focus on the words before me. It was as if I had suddenly become illiterate. I kept rereading the words and yet, none of them made sense in my head.

Before I knew it, I heard unfamiliar voices and I knew that the band had arrived.

"Hello," Chris greeted them all, motioning for them to take a seat on the long couch opposite us.

I quickly crumpled up the sheet and bunched it in my fist as if it were my hidden secret and kept my head down, afraid to look at them. I think I was secretly hoping that they'd suddenly disappear and I wouldn't have to go through with the interview.

Once I found the courage to look at them, I glanced up and the first thing I noticed was that --to my amazement--the couch fit all five of them comfortably. The second, was that one of them was looking directly at me with an expression plastered on his face that I'd never seen before on a person.

He had lightly tanned skin and voluminous curls. Instantly I knew he must be Harry. His expression was a cross between friendliness and keen interest, if that made any sense.

I smiled softly, earning a huge, cheeky grin from him.

"Alright," Chris said, grabbing everyone's attention. "I think we should start of with the fact that you lads won two awards tonight. How do you feel about that?"

As they were focused intently on Chris, I took the opportunity to observe them.

One had a soft, milky complexion and blonde hair that faded into a nut brown towards the routes, indicating that he dyed it.

The one next to him had the darkest features of them all. He had long, dark eyelashes which framed his golden brown eyes. His skin was like toffee and his hair was as black as the night sky.

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