Day 5: Lachlan

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Jasper's POV

I wake up to a text message from Mitch

Mitch: Lachlan is coming over today, you are more then welcome to join us.
Lachlan?! He is so adorable. He is one of my other favorite youtubers.
I tell him I might come over later.
Not too long after, I get a text message from Stephanie.

I can't hold this in any longer Jas. Violet and Oliver have been together behind your back for 4 months now. When he found out you were moving, he just starting talking to her, and I guess they clicked. I'm sorry I had to tell you this way, but I really had to get it off my chest.

Wow. What an ass. How could he do this to me? I guess they weren't even real feelings then since he just basically dropped me. I noticed that he started to not really seem interested in hanging out with me before I left. What a jerk! I wanted to punch a brick wall and watch in crumble into pieces, just like my heart.

I plopped back in my bed and lost it. I was so good to him, how could he do this to me?

Well at least I know the truth now. And that Stephanie is a good friend to me. I don't feel as bad for breaking up with him now.

Gosh. What a dick move.
I decide to finally get up and get dressed. I'm still a little overwhelmed that he would do that.

I walk out my door and over to Mitch's house. I knock on the door. Conner opens the door.
"Hi Jasper" he says smiling.
"Hi Conner" I say.

He lets me in and I walk down to the basement. I'm assuming he's down there at least.
I walk down to see Mitch at his computer and his mom standing over his shoulder.

Erm, do I say something? Or just let Mitch introduce me.

"Hi Mrs.Hughes" I start to say " I'm Jasper, I just moved in across the street"
"So I've heard" She says laughing.
"Well, Jasper, it's nice to finally meet you"
She walks up stairs and I go over and sit next to Mitch.
"Aye dood" he says to me
He was playing a hunger games, go figure.
"You alright?" He asks me. I guess I did have a glum face on.
"Eh" I say, trying not to breakdown crying.
"What's wrong?"
I lost it.
I threw myself into his arms and just sobbed. He didn't even question it. He just comforted me. I felt so safe in his arms. He patted my back several times while rubbing it's as well.

After I finally calmed down. I decided to finally tell him what I had found out. I explained everything.
"I'm really sorry to hear that Jasper" he continued " you are such a great girl, you shouldn't have been treated like that"
He knew exactly how to make me feel better.

A minute later, I hear the doorbell being rung. Must be Lachlan. I wipe my tears and make myself look presentable.

Mitch runs upstairs lets him in and leads him down to the basement.

"Lachlan, this is Jasper. She's my neighbor"
"Nice to meet you Jasper, I'm Lachlan" he says in his adorable Australian accent.
"I know who you are Little Lachy" I say laughing "I love all you guys in the pack".
He blushes a little
"Well thanks"
We walk over to Mitch's computer and gather around it.
"Do you guys wanna play something or what?"
"Doesn't matter to me" I say.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Lachlan suggests.
"Sure!" Mitch says.
He puts in Step Brothers.
I love this movie, Will Ferrell is hilarious.
After it was over Mitch went upstairs, without saying anything so Lachlan and I just stared at each other in confusion.
He came over and sat down next to me.
"So, Jasper, tell me about yourself" he asks me. I was surprised he actually wanted to know about me.
"Um, well, I'm 18. I love animals, my favorite color is orange, and I love chicken nuggets"
He laughs
"Sweet! Good to know" he continues "so, how are you doing?"
Not again, tears start flowing out like Niagara Falls.
He wraps his arms around me and I feel like someone actually cares for me. I felt safe, as if I were in Mitch's arms.

I look up and stare at his dreamy blue eyes. He is so handsome. He slowly starts the lean in toward me. He kisses me, it wasn't just a peck. It was comforting, I felt like I needed it. It somehow felt like I was getting back at Oliver.

Lachlans POV

After I asked how she was, she just started to cry. I didn't question it, she seemed like she was really upset and needed to be comforted.

I pulled her in close to my chest and just held her for awhile.

After she started to calm down, she looked up at me. She has beautiful blue eyes. I've never seen eyes like hers before. Her dirty blonde hair fell in front of her face. I push it back.

I lean down toward her and kiss her on the lips. I don't know why, but she just seemed like she needed even more comfort then just a hug.

And of corse, Mitch walks down when I'm still kissing her.

He drops what he's holding, I can't quite make out what it is. He runs back up stairs and Jasper pops up.

"Is Mitch okay?!" She asks.

"I'm not really sure. I'm gonna go up and check on him. You should probably head home" I say to her.

"Okay" she grabs her jacket and walks out the door.

I walk upstairs and try to find Mitch.

Mitchs POV

I headed up stairs to go and get some snacks for Jasper and Lachlan.
When I came back down, Lachlan was kissing Jasper. I didn't know what to think.
I thought I had actually found a girl that I could trust. I guess not.

I didn't know what to do so I just bolted up to my room and locked the door.
They are probably still making out and have forgotten about me.

I needed to let out my anger somehow.
I picked up my pillow and threw it at the wall.
Something fell out of the case.
I went over and picked it up. It was an envelope.
It said 'Don't open until you need to be cheered up!'

I really did need some cheering up. So I proceed to open it up.
I pulled out a letter addressed:
To Mitch
From Jasper Miller

It read:
Dear Mitch,
Since you always make me happy when I'm feeling down, I decided that I should write you a letter. So, since you make everyone else happy, there might be a possibility that no one can make you happy as much as you make your fans happy. So here it goes:

Mitch, you are such a great guy. You can make anyone laugh without even trying. Whenever you are just being yourself, you make me so happy with all of your cheesy jokes. When I hear your name, I get butterflies in my stomach. I wish I could explain how much you mean to me, but words can't describe it. You've helped me through the worst time in my life. My brother disappear a year ago. There hasn't been any trace of him since. He was my best friend. Now, you are the closest thing I have to a best friend. Even though I haven't even met you. My friends I have now don't really include me in anything. So, I just stay home and watch your videos. Without you, I probably would have committed suicide by now. Keep making your videos. I know I'm not the first person that you've helped. But now, you need to be helped. We, the fans, have noticed you bashing in yourself lately. We want to make you happy just like you make us. You are an amazing guy, any girl would want to have you. Yet, somehow you are still single. You have an amazing personality and a great sense of humor. You are so sweet to everyone. All of your close friends are lucky to be able to talk to you almost everyday. You are my dream come true. Don't ever think that you are a bad person. We know you are human, like the rest of us. We all have events that come up. Remember that we love you!
~Jasper Miller

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