Day 6

56 2 6

Mitch's POV

I woke up and texted Jasper.
'Morning Babe'
Yes. Babe. We are officially dating now, if you couldn't tell.

After I told Jasper I loved her, she said that she loved me too. I'm so glad that she feels the same ^.^

Since Jasper and I are seniors, we don't have to go to school anymore, since we have met all of our graduation requirements. So we've just been hanging out together, playing minecraft.

I get dressed, fix my hair, and head downstairs.
Jasper is already sitting at my kitchen table, eating cereal with Conner.
"Oh, hey" I say
"Sup" she says to me.
"We're you keeping Jasper company?" I say looking at Conner.
"Yep!" He says with a big grin on his face.
Jasper gets up and hugs me.
We walk downstairs to my basement and sit down on the couch.
"So, we've been together for awhile now" she says to me.
"What are you gonna tell the fans?" She says really quickly.

Shit. I forgot about that.
"Oh yeah, I didn't think about that"
"Are you going to tell them? Or are we just gonna keep it on the down low?"

I love Jasper. So much, I couldn't not tell the fans about her! Everyone should know how much of an awesome person she is.
"I want everyone to know how much of a great girl you are"
She blushes a little.

I decided I should post a picture on Instagram of her and I together. I tell her to come over and sit next to me.
I take out my phone and turn on the front facing camera.
I smile while she has her eyes crossed and her tongue sticking out.

'This is Jasper, she's a really cool gal. Sorry ladies' is what I put as the caption.

I waited anxiously for what the fans would comment.

Jasper's POV

Mitch actually wants to tell the fans about us.

I can't believe my dream is actually coming true. Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes, is in love with me, and I'm in love with him.

"What's your middle name?"
Kinda random, but whatever.

"Emma" I say with a smile.

"Hmm, Jasper Emma Miller" he pauses "your initials spell Jem"
Hm, never noticed that.

"I guess they do"
"Jem, has a nice ring to it. Would you mind if I thats what I called you from now on?"
Mitch just gave me an adorable nickname.
"Not at all, I love it"

I was anxious to find out what the fans would say about me. So I go to the picture that Mitch had posted of him and I. I scroll through the comments.
The first one I read said:

Not terrible, but hey I ship merome too.
The next one I saw was:
No Mitch!!! You could do waaaayyy better
And another:
My life is ruined :'(
Who is that?
I don't approve
Ew!!!! She's ugly!!!!!!??!!!!!

There was a lot of hate.
Very few positive comments.
I wanted to ball up and cry. But I didn't want Mitch to know that I was effected by it.
I told Mitch that I should head back home for a little, then I'll be over again later.

So I left.
When I got to my house. My parents were staring at me as soon as I walked into the door.
It seemed as if there were more boxes packed then when I had left.

"What's going on?" I asked in confusion.
"Jasper, we can't have you living with us anymore" my father says to me.
I start tearing up
"Wh-why?" I manage to barely say
"Since you are 18 and are about to graduate, you need to live on your own. We'll give you $250 right now. You have your own car so you should be fine"

Great last thing I needed.
"We already packed up all of your things and loaded some of it to your car. These are the only two boxes left." My mother says to me.
I grab the boxes and run out into my car, without saying goodbye. They didn't deserve a goodbye from me.

I got in the drivers seat pulled out and drove to a nearby grocery store. I parked and just started crying.

Senior Year *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now