Day 4

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Mitch's POV

I wake up and crawl out of bed. I grab a T-shirt and a pair of jeans and slip them both on. I walk out to eat breakfast and my mom and dad are standing in the kitchen.
"So, when are we going to meet the new neighbor?" My dad asks.
"Uh, after school I guess. Why?" I thought it was kinda weird how they just randomly brought it up.
"Connor told us" my mom said.
Go figure, Connor tells my parents everything.
"Oh, well yeah, she'll probably come over after school" I say.
Once I finish my breakfast, I text Jasper that I'll be out soon.
I slip on my shoes and throw on my heavy jacket. I grab my car keys and head out the door.
I sit in the drivers seat and put the key in the ignition. I back out the driveway and into Jaspers. I walk up to the door and knock. She opens the door and smiles.

Jasper's POV

I open the door to see Mitch standing right in front of me. I smile and say "Ready?"
He turns around and walks to his car. He goes over to the passenger side and opens the door for me.
"Why thank-you" I say like a fancy person. He laughs. I hop in and shut the door. He walks over to the drivers side and sits down. We back down the driveway and are on our way to school.

He turns on the radio and the first song to come on is I Wish You Would by Taylor Swift. I secretly loved Taylor Swift, literally no one knew about my obsession over her. I wanted to sing along with the song, but I didn't want to look like a fool.
But, as soon as it got to the chorus I started singing passionately.
Mitch just looked at me and laughed.
"So you're a swiftly eh?"
I was blushing like crazy
"Um maybe a little"
"She's not half bad" he says
"Are you kidding?! She's AMAZING!"
He just laughs and I continue to sing, but not as loud as I did before.
Not too long after, we arrive at school.
We get out of the car simultaneously and start walking to the steps.
Everyone in the parking lot is staring at us...lmao why.
I'm the new girl, why the hell would everyone be surprised I have a friend?
Like chill.
Mitch an just continued walking up the stairs and into the building.
"Why we're all those people staring at us?" I ask.

Mitch's POV

I wanted to say "Why wouldn't they be? It's hard not to look at you" but I didn't. Instead this came out "Eh I don't know, don't worry about it"
She just shrugged and slept on walking.
We walked to our lockers together and got out the books and binders we needed.
"So I'll see you in Chemistry?" I ask
We walk off in different directions. I was going to English ugh.
The five minute bell rings, and I'm off.

*skip to chemistry*

I walk into class and sit down in my seat. I anxiously wait for Jasper to come in.
Oh there she is!
She comes in right before the bell rings.
"Alright, everyone settle down, we are starting a new project today!"
Everyone groans, including me.
"You will be creating a presentation with another classmate about why you should study science"
Hm, it actually doesn't seem terrible. But it depends who my partner is.
"Since it's the first project of the semester, and you guys seem like a good class, I'll let you choose partners"

Jasper's POV

Great. I bet Mitch will pick someone that's not me, why wouldn't he? He probably knows everyone in here.
"Alright, get with your partner and start planning"
I just sit there looking at the wall.
He'll probably say 'Do you mind if I go with so-and-so?'
"Do you want to be partners?"
I was pretty shocked. All of the girls in the room glared at me, and even some of the guys.
"Sure" I say with a smile.
~skip to the end of the day~

The bell finally rings to end the day officially. Finally, the weekend. I go to my locker and get out the books I need. I walk out the doors and stand there looking around for Mitch.
He beeps the horn and yells my name.
I walk down to his car and hop in.
"What's up?" He asks me
"Eh nothing, just happy it's Friday"
"Me too"
Mitch starts to drive home.
"So uh, did you want to go somewhere tonight?"
"Um, sure. Where to?"
"You'll see" he says
We pull into my driveway
"Be ready at 5" he says
I get out and walk into the house.
I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to wear.
Do I wear a dress? Or just a t-shirt and jeans?
Three hours later I finally decide I'm going to wear a flowy white top, dark blue jeans and my tan tall uggs.
I sit and wait anxiously.
A couple minutes later I hear a knock at the door. I open it to find Mitch, standing there in-

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