Day 3 (continued)

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Jasper's POV

"Oh I'm sorry!" Wow that was embarrassing. I fell asleep on his shoulder. Well I enjoyed it but, still.
"Your fine, I didn't want to disturb you" he said with a smile.
"I have to go and record with Jerome." He says.
"Oh okay" I reply
"Do you wanna come over with me?"
My heart drops. Me? Witnessing a live recording? I fan girl like crazy on the inside.
"Sure!" I blurt out.
"Hokeyp. Do you wanna head over to my house now?"
"Hold on, let me grab something"
I go in my room and start rummaging through all of the boxes I still haven't unpacked. I finally find the note that I wrote to Mitch. It's in an envelope and on it, it says: DON'T OPEN UNTIL YOU NEED TO BE CHEERED UP! I wrote it just before we moved. I was going to mail it to him, but it got packed away in the move. I grab my jacket and slip my boots on.

Am I going to have to meet Mitch's parents?! I'm not good with socializing with adults. Well I'm not really good a socializing in general. I've always got my head in my phone and earbuds in my head. Anyways I'm still scared to go over his house to meet his parents.
"Jasper?" Mitch calls
"I'll be out in a second" I grab my phone and walk out of my room to Mitch.

Mitch's POV

I was kind of upset when she woke up. It was adorable how she fell asleep on me without even knowing. Oh shit, I have to record with Jerome today! I don't wanna just leave Jasper here. Jerome wouldn't mind if she just sat there and watched.
"I have to record with Jerome" I say
"Oh" she replies. She seems let down. Now I definitely can't leave her here
"Do you want to come over with me?" I ask.
"Sure!" She says with excitement
She walks into her room and I wait patiently. I look around the room and see a couple boxes still not unpacked. I look in a box to find a family picture. Wait. There is another guy in it. She hasn't mentioned having a brother.
A couple minutes pass
"Jasper?" I call
"I'll be out in a second" she replies
Not even a minute later she comes out.
"Ready?" I ask
"Yup" she says with a smile
We walk out the door and across the road to my house. I walk in, take my shoes off and hang up my coat.
"Hello?" I call to see if my parents are home.
"Hiiii" Connor comes down the stairs. Connor is my little brother, he's only in 5th grade.
"Who's that?" Connor comments
"She's my friend, Jasper. She just moved in across the street" I reply
"Oh, well hi!"
"Hi Connor" she says smiling.
"Well we are going in the basement so I can record with Jerome"
We walk downstairs to my recording setup. I sit in my chair and turn on the computer. Shit. I probably look like an asshole right now. I didn't get a chair for Jasper.
"I'm so sorry!"
She looked confused.
"For what?" She asked
"I didn't get you a chair"
She laughs
"It's not that big of a deal" she says
I hop up and find another nice computer chair for her. I sit it right next to me and pat the seat. She comes over and sits in the chair.

Jasper's POV

I thought it was adorable how he thought it was such a big deal that I didn't have a chair.
"Thanks" I say to him, smile and sit down.
"So, what are you guys recording?" I ask
"Hunger games, as usual"
He opens up Skype and starts to call Jerome. It only rings once and Jerome pops up.

Mitch's POV

"Hey biggums!" Jerome says
"Hey Jerome! I have a friend with me"
"Oh, who?" He asks
"Her name is Jasper"
Jerome knows about her comment and how I went to her channel and everything.
Jerome raises his eyebrow. I nod.
"Oh cool, nice to meet you Jasper!"
Jasper laughs
"Nice to meet you too! I love you and your videos!" She says smiling.
"Thanks! So you ready to record some Hunga Deens?"
We hop on minecraft and log on to TheNexus.
We pick a lobby and hop on.
When the count down only had 10 seconds left, I start recording.
"Hey what's going on doods! It's Mitch or BajanCanadian here with Jerome in the hunger games!!"
"Yeah buddy!!" Jerome says.
We go on for a little bit. I kill 3 people and Jerome has to mutate as el pollo man. He gets back in and we go to the D. We kill off everyone and decide to have a raw. Chicken fight. Fireworks go off and I'm still in the arena. I won.
"Thanks for watching, slap dat like button and subscribe if you haven't already!" I nudge Jasper and she says
I end the recording.
"GG buddy!" I say to Jerome.
"Same to you biggums!"
"Well I talk to you later dood" I say to Jerome.
I end the call and turn to Jasper.

Jasper's POV

He actually let me say something during the recording. I, Jasper Emma Miller, was in a recording with Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes. I swear I was dreaming.
"So, how'd you like it?" Mitch asked me.
"AMAZING" I yelled.
I was so happy.
"Haha, good! So do you wanna grab something to eat?" He asks
"Uh sure"
We walk upstairs and make some sandwiches.
I decided to check the time, 5:30.
"I should probably head home" I tell Mitch.
"Oh, alright, we'll let me walk you over"
I go to get my jacket and boots on, but then I remember I still have my letter.
"Oh wait, I still haven't seen the testified your house, could you show me around?"
"Sure" he says with a smile.
He shows me the living room, dining room, and the other bedrooms. When we get to his, I slip the letter into his pillow case.
He sits down on the bed and pats beside him. I sit down next to him.
"So what are you doing this weekend?" He asks me, blushing a little bit.
"Probably helping around the house or something. Why?"
He stays silent for a moment.
"I was um wondering... If you wanted to go and get something to eat somewhere?"
Is Mitch asking me on a date?! No, he couldn't be, he'd never go out somewhere with a fangirl. I smile and say "Sure, I'd love to"
He sighs in relief.
"Sweet" he continues " should I take you over now?"
"Oh yeah"
We walk down the stairs and see Connor sitting at the kitchen table eating ice cream.
"What are you doing eating ice cream before dinner?" Mitch asks Connor.
"I was hungry, and I don't know how to make anything else so I thought, hey why not make some ice cream!"
Mitch just rolls his eyes and we continue out the door.
"Bye Connor!" I yell as we walk out the door.
Mitch walks me across the street, up to my door.
"Well, see you tomorrow" I say
"Yeah, do you need a ride, since you didn't get one today?" He asks me
"Sure. Same time?" I ask
We just stand there in silence for a minute.
"Well my parents have dinner ready, so I should go" I say to him
"Alright, see ya" he says to me
Mitch opens his arms and wraps them around me. He pulls me in close to his chest. I can feel his warmth, radiating off of his body. I wrap my arms around his body. I never want to leave this position. I feel so safe. After a little while, I release, so does he. I smile at him, turn around and walk in to door. I shut it and rest my back up against it. I sigh deeply, while having a huge stupid grin on my face. I'm in love with Mitchell Hughes. Wait what? Did I really just think that? No, Jasper your acting like a slut, stop. I take off my jacket and boots and walk into my room. I plop down on my bed and just lay there for awhile.

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