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(Y/n)'s P.o.v

Calamity struck, everything was peaceful for a short while till this happened. I stood from above of the flooded, exploded community house. My son, the president arguing with Dream about Tommy's exile, the discs, and who destroyed the community house.

"We need for it to be handed over and burned, now." Keurumi said from above sternly. Everyone frantically talked over each other.

"Okay your right. I won't blame you, but I need the discs." Dream talked over everyone which settled it down. I could tell that no one wanted to give the other disc up. Everyone arguing over each other and over Dream. I slowly reached up and covered my ears, the muffled sounds were drowned out by the voices.

"We found ourselves a new target practice~ do you want me to cut your heads off~? I will cut your heads off and repeat these words to your Corpse~ I won't hesitate to stab you with my knife and burn you alive~ watching you all suffer and crying~" the voices echoed.

I pressed my hands against my ears harder, making my ears turn red. I shut my eyes and gritted my teeth. They only got louder and I swore I could hear static. Static and vicious voices. Seouloft and Honey held my arms trying to calm me down.

"NO!" Tommy's voice yelled over all of the voices.

I opened my eyes widen opened and my mouth dropped I took my hands off of my ears slowly. Tommy became visible and put on his armor. He stammered over his tongue and looked back at everyone.

I yanked away from Seouloft and Honey's arms. I ran to the edge of the community house roof through the water. Falling to my feet and feeling my veil bouncing with me. My hands clung to the edge of the roof, my knuckles turning white. I felt my body shake rapidly. My two boys... are together again.

"What? Wait is this Tommy? Are you invis?"Dream asks.

"Uhh? Is that...?" Tubbo says confused.

"Tommy?!" Fundy says in shock. All eyes were on him now.

"Duchess... Duchess? Are you alright? You don't look so well." Eret checked up on me. He looked back at me and took off his glasses. I felt the worry from everyone looking at me, the breaths I took in were sharp.

"Look what you've done to your poor mother, Tommy!" Puffy says pointing to me. Tommy looked sorry and his brows furrowed into a depressing look.

"Yeah Tubbo, Dream, you don't need the discs." Tommy says standing up. Seouloft and Honey came to my side. They both kneeled down to me and put their hands on my back.

"Tommy you fucked up. I don't care, listen Tubbo's gonna-" Dream was going on with his manipulative ways.

"No no Dream! Does this sound like something that I would do?" Tommy asks trying to fend for himself.

"YES!!" Sapnap yelled, everyone argued over Tommy now.

So many loud noises... so many loud sounds... so many people talking over each other loudly... I can't take it. My hands shakily let go of the roofs ledge, slowly coming back up to my ears and trying to cover them.

"Guys, Tommy didn't do this, okay? He didn't do this." Techno says. He came out of the water not invisible and sternly.

"That's Techno?! Why-" Fundy freaked. I uncovered my ears again and looked down at the piglin with my other son. Everyone talked over themselves again.

"Okay listen, I know I'm not the most reliable person to the government but Tommy wouldn't lie to me. He said he didn't do it, he didn't lie about this to me." Techno says standing in front of Tommy in a protective manner.

I covered my mouth with both my hands, my back arched. My eyes widened with dread out of my skull. The dark colors of shadows on my cheeks and eyes. The eye bags adding more to it. I was in despair.

"He lied about burning down George's house!" Dream tried to reason.

"He'd lie to you Dream but he would never lie to me!" Techno says protecting him still. The voices wouldn't stop with their hurtful words.

"This doesn't involve you!" Dream says arguing back.

"I didn't wanna be involved either but Tommy came running to me!" Techno says.

More arguing came up with Tommy being there. What worst was the two people I trusted were arguing and my sons were arguing. Tubbo took out an enderchest and was about to reach in for the disc. Tommy pushed him away from the chest. It was getting too much... I can't take it... I'm at my breaking point...

"Your not going to give him the discs! Are you?!" Tommy says more like a question.

"Your literally proving time and time again that you can't be trusted!" Tubbo fights back.

President Tubbo reminded me so much of Schlatt when he was president. I hid my face in my hands biting my lip. I felt... loopy? Oh no. Honey rubbed my back up and down comfortingly. My boys started to fight with not only words but sometimes even pushing or hitting each other. They yelled at each other. I can't watch this... I need to end it...

Tubbo got his sword out and shield, Tommy did the same. They swung their axe and sword at each other hitting the swords or armor. Sparks from battle. People backed up. My sons yelling at each other. The other members happily cheering and us Vibians being worried. I took off Seoulofts and Honeycloud's hands. I jumped down from the roof top.

"Yumeiro!" Seouloft yelled at me worriedly.

I ran to the both of my sons in the middle of them. I went to the side of Tubbo and side kicked his shield away from him. I lifted my leg up and knocked down his shield away from him. My hands grabbing both of their weapons with my bare hands. The blood ran down my palms, they dripped into a cruor puddle. I yanked the weapons to me and my boys fell on the ground.

"I didn't betray you!!" Tubbo yelled and got up from the floor. Tommy got up quickly and leaned his body to his half brother. I threw the weapons to the Vibians above on the roof.

"THE DISCS WERE WORTH MORE THAN YOU EVER WERE!!" Tommy yelled raged filled.

I lifted my hand, there was a slap sound. A bloody smeared red mark on Tommy's cheek. I felt bad for having to do it but their both in the wrong. He just took it too far. There were gasps and sudden breaths, the tension was tense.

Tommy looked up at everyone watching them fight. The disappointing looks burning into his skull, and the shocked ones burning into mines. I heard Tubbo stuttering over his words. The way that they both looked at me... pained me in a way. I did what had to be done.

Tubbo took off his armor and nodded his head to their weapons. I nodded and walked over to the sword and axe, the blood still running and smeared from my hands. The voices won't stop... screaming... chanting... I picked up the weapons and put them on the chest in the middle of the community house.

"Give him the disc." Tommy says quieter.

Vibe City; dream smp x readerWhere stories live. Discover now