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(Y/n)'s P.o.v

My back leaned on the bathroom door, wet tear stains on the corner of my eyes. My eyes stung. They were red and puffy. (S/c) blurs from my hands shaking. The experience I had went through had me shaken up.


I was finishing a bit of editing for an upcoming video. Brrr brrr, my phone vibrated. I picked it up seeing that I was getting a phone call.

"Hello," it was mom. Something about her tone seemed off.

"Hey mum?" I said. I was puzzled by her tone.

"I have some news and I need you to come here quickly." Mom said.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my brows furrowed in worry.

"Blu.. is not doing so well... I need you to come to the vet to spend our last moments with him..." Mom said. Her voice was breaking and cracking.  My mouth hung open a little, I felt the tears brim at the corner of my eyes.

"I'll be there." I said coldly. I hung up the phone and rushed to leave the house. Grabbing my keys and going to my car. I pressed on the petal to the vet.


TIMESKIP: a few mintues


I opened the doors to the veterinarian clinic, going up to the receptionist and asking for Blu. She guided me to the back where Blu was. That cat is from my childhood... he can't leave... 

I saw dad there in front of Blu. The poor cat looked like he was suffering. I squatted down to his point of view and stroked his little paw with my hand. Dad was watching from behind me, tears streaked down his cheeks. Waterfalls came down from my eyes but my soft smile stayed. Blu whimpered in pain. Dad petted his ear.

"It's going to be okay Blu, I love you. I love you with all my heart." I mumbled. Blu showed me a new kind of love, a love for a pet.

"We love you Blu. I hope you feel better." Dad said, his voice was breaking.

We stayed there for a while with Blu but got ushered away by the nurses. They were about to put him down. I waited in the waiting room for the news of his death. My dad held my hand as we sat.

"Where mom? And (B/n)?" I asked.

"(B/n) didn't want to come to see Blu go... Mom stayed with him to watch after him... they both said their byes when Blu was there with us..." Dad says.

"Mm..." I hummed in response.

The veterinarians came out not too shortly after. Blu was put down... Dad offered for me to stay with the family but I rejected it. Instead I went home.

Flashback end:

I didn't know what to do now, all I felt was grief. A big weight on my chest. Brr, brr. My phone vibrated. I slowly took it into my hands and looked down at it, George texted me. The screen light reflecting onto my face.


Hello Yumeiro, I just wanted to tell you Sapnap almost took Pig but I stopped him


Thanks I'm sorry I'm in in the best mood right now to log on


Is everything alright?



The phone started to buzz and vibrate repeatedly. The discord ringing filling the deadly silence in the air. I hesitantly hit the accept button. I placed the phone on the ground next to me, resting my arms on my knees.

"Yumeiro? What's wrong?" George asked. His accent became softer.

"I... my pet got... put down..." My voice rasped from all the crying.

George's P.o.v

"Awh.. I'm really sorry for your loss. How are you feeling?" I asked, concerned laced on my words.

"Numb... overwhelming sad.. I can't accept that he's gone..." Yumeiro says. She sounded so broken. I felt pain of how she was feeling, I didn't want to see her like that. I've always wanted to make her happy.

"What's a memory you have of him?" I asked. I was trying to make her vent and feel better.

"Heh.. yeah.. that cat was apart of my childhood and life. He was amazing.... we went through everything together." Yumeiro vented.

She went off into telling stories and slight laughing at the memories she had of him. Yumeiro would sob and let a few tears out as well. She seemed to feel a little better and I smiled at that. I heard Yumeiro bump into some things and cuss under her breath.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried.

"I'm okay, just bumped into the sink... it's dark in here." Yumeiro says.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"The bathroom... the lights are off. I'm going to go to my desk.. hold on." Yumeiro answers. It was kind of off but I didn't mind it. She's going through a tough time.

"Okay," I said.

She hung up. I tapped my fingers on my desk waiting for her to come back. Her profile picture came on the monitor again. Yumeiro said, her voice was deep and rasped. It was very attractive but I wanted to help her get better first. I spent the night with her just talking and telling stories, it was a nice change of pace. I heard light snores and soft breathing.

"Goodnight Yuyu," I mumbled softly.

Leaning my head in my arms looking at the screen of her profile. Smiling softly and half lidded. My eyes grew heavy and drowsy. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me away. I slept with her on call.



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