Shes smart

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Intelligence's POV
To their surprise they were watching ivy sat in a cage, it was a small cage but she was safer and she wasn't being tortured. Jay had noticed Ivy was in pain but he had also noticed she was trying to re position herself and was about to start talking before she paused to look around one last time. By now after this wild goose chase it was around 4 am and the sun was starting to rise, little light wasn't so visible from Ivys view but it was enough for ivy to listen to the world waking up. Voight had also noticed Ivy re position herself and go to speak, he keyed his radio and told the other van to stay put and don't drive to the second location which was the other downtown warehouse. Everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting for ivy to tell them something.
Ivy: "I don't know if anyone's watching or who is watching but I'm ivy Kate, I'm 25 years old and I've been kidnapped..." she whispered but paused when she heard a door slam open.
Jay: "c'mon ivy give us something" he whispered to himself
Kim: "she's smart she'll figure it out" she smiles to herself slightly
Ivy: "uhh I don't exactly know where I am but I know I'm in a warehouse, it's not busy outside I can't hear people but I can hear water, like a big area of water. I don't know if anyone can help me but please help!" She continued before a door slammed open revealing light, Ivy knew what was about to go down but she knew whoever was watching, she hoped it to be jay, would know where she is.
Kevin: "sarge we can rule out our second location if she's saying she can't hear people, there's two warehouses by navy pier one on outskirts surrounded by apartment complex's and the other right next to the water, she must be in the one closest to the pier" Kevin broke the silence before texting hailey the address before she sped off out of the parking lot.

Ivys POV
The men were back but this time they had knocked the camera over, expecting it to shut off as it fell to the floor. They stormed over to the cage as they had suspected she had ratted them out and told them where she was even though she had no exact location. She knew she was on thing ice and that ice was melting so she grew bigger in her cage as a sign to warn them grown men off. When the camera had fallen over, it had landed on its side in perfect view to see the men and ivy in the cage even if it was a wonky angle, the lenses were creating a blurry effect for whoever was watching but they could still see and hear everything. One man held a small pocket knife and the other had a wooden bat, not the scariest of items but if used with strong force, extremely deadly. "You should've killed me when you had the choice, now they know where I am and you're going to rot in hell" she hissed towards the men. They chuckled at her response, after all she just threatened the men who were holding her hostage, possible a bad decision but she was bitter and ready for revenge.

Jays POV
The team were 5 minutes away from Ivys location, he couldn't help but watch the footage still rolling as she was throwing insults and threats towards the men. He knew if she didn't stop soon they would do something he wouldn't be able to control, but part of him wanted to smirk at how feisty she was being even after she was half way to getting herself killed. Voight placed his hand on jays should to let him know it would soon be over and she would be safe.
The 5 minutes had gone by and they had arrived but something was off about the footage after she told the men they would rot in hell, they threw one last blow to Ivys defenceless body and they had gone, lukas had stabbed her leg and the muscular man had hit her over the head with the bat. The team could see Ivy hasn't blacked out yet but they men had vanished. They team were now at Ivys aid, she was safe.

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